Consultation on Review of the Role of the Scottish Agricultural Wages Board: Findings from the Analysis of Consultation Responses

This report presents the findings from the analysis of responses to the consultation on the review of the Scottish Agricultural Wages Board (2015).

Option B responses

As detailed in Table 6, below, just one of the responses received was in favour of retaining the SAWB but as an advisory body, giving the Scottish Government the discretion to fix minimum wage rates and other conditions based on advice given by the SAWB.

Table 6. Summary of responses favouring Option B, by respondent type.

Respondent Type Number of responses
Employer 0
Worker 0
Other (individual) 1
Employer organisation 0
Workers' organisation 0
Other (organisation) 0
Total 1

The respondent favouring option B suggested that the SAWB could provide useful advice on issues unique to agricultural workers such as living conditions and working with animals. They proposed that all workers across Scotland should be paid at least the Living Wage, as opposed to having different tiers of payment.


Email: Clare Magill

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