
National guidance for child protection - revised: consultation

Consultation on a revised version of the National Guidance for Child Protection to ensure it is consistent with the legislative and policy framework and current practice developments. The current version of the National Guidance for Child Protection was published in 2014.

4. Key Areas Of Change From The 2014 Guidance

The key areas of change in this revision are as follows:

  • Changes to core requirements including, for example, new guidance on information sharing; integration of child protection guidance for health professionals; detail on essential processes such as inter-agency referral discussions; and a focus throughout on children's rights. 
  • Tonal changes including a focus on engagement and collaboration with families, on building resilience, strengthening relationships and ensuring a learning culture in workforce supervision, training and development.
  • Standards and principles are augmented with, for example, new guidance on assessment, interviewing, and planning; trauma informed practice; chronologies, timescales and complex investigations. General principles also underpin the consideration and conduct of investigative activities in relation to children who may be harmed and those who may cause harm to others.
  • Revision and supplement occurs in a completely revised and extended Part 4 which outlines intersecting, dominant and emerging areas of concern. This section considers neglect, abuse and exploitation and the environmental, chronological and institutional context of concerns. In addition, consideration is given to the impact of poverty and ill health; risk of harm in transitional phases; and response in public emergencies.
  • Research, policy and guidance references and links are provided in the extended appendix and these are organised so that each part and subsection of the Guidance has associated resources. Practice notes will sit separately, offering perspectives on the application of concepts, principles and processes outlined in the core text. 



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