
Gaelic language plan 2021-2026 - draft: consultation

Under the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005, we have a statutory obligation to support Gaelic through the development of a Gaelic Language Plan. This is the third iteration of our plan and outlines its commitments towards Gaelic and the National Gaelic Language Plan.

Ministerial Foreword

As Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills with responsibility for Gaelic, I am very pleased to support the publication of this consultation on the draft of the Scottish Government's third Gaelic Language Plan, which has been produced under the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005.

The Scottish Government remains committed to supporting the Gaelic language and aims to ensure that the those who wish to live their lives through the language are afforded the opportunities to do so. The commitments in this draft Plan aim to build upon those that have been in place since the publication of our first Plan in 2010. In addition to the operational commitments, our Plan sets out clearly the other actions that we are taking through our policies in supporting the Gaelic language against the Scottish Government's National Performance Framework. These policies ensure that Gaelic is supported across our area of operations and Scottish public life.

I hope that you agree that this draft Gaelic Language Plan is helping create a supportive environment for the Gaelic language and welcome your views that may strengthen this commitment.

Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP
Cabinet Secretary for Education & Skills



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