
Social housing net zero standard consultation: interim equality impact assessment

Interim equality impact assessment for the consultation on a new social housing net zero standard in Scotland.

Appendix B: Assessing the quality of the impacts and identifying opportunities to promote equality

At this stage of the interim equality impact assessment, the qualitative scoring of the potential impacts (negative, positive and neutral) has been considered for each of the protected characteristics and the other specified characteristics already listed in this interim EQIA. This qualitative scoring has been undertaken using the data and evidence available and gathered to date. This is a preliminary and indicative assessment of the potential impacts at this interim stage of the EQIA and will be subject to further review and revision after the consultation has taken place and during the system design.

Do you think that the policy impacts on people because of their age?
Age Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation X The proposals for a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard have been developed in such a way that it will not create unlawful discrimination related to age.
Advancing equality of opportunity X X

There could potentially be positive and negative impacts on older people and young children.

Potential for increased costs

Clean heating systems may cost more to install and operate than incumbent technologies, with the risk of these costs being passed onto the tenants through increased rents and energy bills. The evidence found that certain age groups may have requirements for higher heating temperatures and longer heating hours.

Accessibility of advice and services

Older people may be sensitive to disruption in the home and have accessibility requirements in terms of communication and finance support. For instance, evidence shows lower internet use among older people and higher usage in young people.

Improved thermal comfort

Decarbonising our buildings and improving energy efficiency may provide health benefits, particularly for older people and children, by improving thermal comfort.

Promoting good relations among and between different age groups X The proposals for a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard are unlikely to impact on the promotion of good relations between different age groups.
Do you think that the policy impacts people with disabilities?
People with disabilities Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation X The proposals for a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard have been developed in such a way that it will not create unlawful discrimination related to disability.
Advancing equality of opportunity X X

There could potentially be positive and negative impacts on disabled people.

Potential for increased costs

Clean heating systems may cost more to install and operate than incumbent technologies, with the risk of these costs being passed onto the tenants through increased rents and energy bills. The evidence found the disabled groups may have requirements for higher heating temperatures and longer heating hours.

Improved thermal comfort

Decarbonising our buildings may provide health benefits, particularly for older people and children, by improving thermal comfort.

Disabled people are more likely to live in socially rented properties and more likely to be unemployed, be in low paid work, and be in relative poverty.

Promoting good relations among and between disabled and non-disabled people X The proposals for a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard are unlikely to impact on the promotion of good relations between disabled and non-disabled people.
Do you think that the policy impacts on men and women in different ways?
Sex/Gender Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation X The proposals for a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard have been developed in such a way that it will not create unlawful discrimination related to gender.
Advancing equality of opportunity X X

There could potentially be negative impacts on women and households headed by women.

Potential for increased costs

Clean heating systems may cost more to install and operate than incumbent technologies. The evidence suggests that female headed households are less likely to be managing well financially than male headed households.

Women, and particularly households headed by women, may therefore be unfairly impacted by higher running costs of clean heating systems.

Promoting good relations between men and women X The proposals for a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard are unlikely to impact on the promotion of good relations between men and women.
Do you think that the policy impacts on women because of pregnancy and maternity?
Pregnancy and Maternity Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation X The proposals for a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard have been developed in such a way that it will not create unlawful discrimination related to pregnancy and maternity.
Advancing equality of opportunity X X

Potential for increased costs coupled with lower levels of income

Clean heating systems may cost more to install and operate than incumbent technologies. The evidence suggests that lone mothers are less likely to be managing well financially.

Women, and particularly households headed by women, may therefore be unfairly impacted by higher running costs of clean heating systems.

Improved thermal comfort

Improving the thermal efficiency of social housing may provide health benefits, for pregnant women and those in the maternity period, by improving thermal comfort.

Promoting good relations X The proposals for a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard are unlikely to impact on the promotion of good relations between pregnant women and other people.
Do you think that the policy impacts on transgender people?
Gender reassignment Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation X The proposals for a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard have been developed in such a way that it will not create unlawful discrimination related to transgender people.
Advancing equality of opportunity X

Potential for increased costs coupled with lower levels of income

Clean heating systems may cost more to install and operate than incumbent technologies, with the risk of these costs being passed onto the tenants through increased rents and energy bills. Data on the relative performance of transgender people in the labour market is limited, however, some evidence suggests that transgender people may experience economic disadvantage in terms of securing and maintaining employment. This could put them at risk of being sensitive to price costs increases.

Promoting good relations X The proposals for a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard are unlikely to impact on the promotion of good relations between transgender people and other people
Do you think that the policy impacts on people because of their sexual orientation?
Sexual orientation Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation X The proposals for a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard have been developed in such a way that it will not create unlawful discrimination related to sexual orientation.
Advancing equality of opportunity X The proposals for a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard are unlikely to impact on the advancement of equality of opportunity related to sexual orientation.
Promoting good relations X The proposals for a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard are unlikely to impact on the promotion of good relations between people based on their sexual orientation.
Do you think that the policy impacts on people on the grounds of their race?
Race Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation X The proposals for a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard have been developed in such a way that it will not create unlawful discrimination related to race.
Advancing equality of opportunity X X

There could potentially be positive and negative impacts for people from certain racial backgrounds

Low income and sensitivity to cost increases.

Clean heating systems may cost more to install and operate than incumbent technologies, with the risk of these costs being passed onto the tenants through increased rents and energy bills. 43% of people from Mixed, Black, Black British and Other ethnic groups, and 41% of Asian or Asian British ethnic groups were in relative poverty after housing costs. In comparison 18% of White British people were in relative poverty after housing costs. People from minority ethnic groups were less likely to report they were managing well financially and less likely to have household savings.

Improved thermal comfort

The consultation for the Heat in Buildings Strategy raised the concern that gypsy traveller communities have greater need for heat due to poor energy efficiency and often have higher energy costs. Some also require to heat more than one dwelling space. Improving the thermal efficiency of gypsy / traveller sites may provide health benefits by improving thermal comfort.

Accessibility of advice and financial support and services

The HiB Strategy consultation raised the concern that specific groups may be unfairly impacted due to difficulties for people whose first language is not English, who may need help to understand how to operate new heating systems to best effect. Concerns were raised about the need to ensure that refugees are also able to access adequate advice and support.

Promoting good relations X The proposals for a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard are unlikely to impact on the promotion of good race relations.
Do you think that the policy impacts on people because of their religion or belief?
Religion or belief Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation X The proposals for a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard have been developed in such a way that it will not create unlawful discrimination related to religion or belief.
Advancing equality of opportunity X X

There could potentially be positive and negative impacts on people from different religious backgrounds.

Potential for increased costs coupled with lower levels of income

Clean heating systems may cost more to install and operate than incumbent technologies, with the risk of these costs being passed onto the tenants through increased rents and energy bills. Evidence suggests that people who identify as Muslim have a high rate of relative poverty after housing cost and are more likely to live in deprived areas (and lower SIMD is associated with higher levels of fuel poverty and low income).

Cultural cooking practices

Some people may use open flames – specifically for cooking – for religious and cultural reasons. Moving to a clean heating system may mean that this method of food preparation is not possible.

As we consult through on these proposals, we will work with stakeholder groups to ensure that the outlook of those impacted by this change are fed in.

Promoting good relations X The proposals for a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard are unlikely to impact on the promotion of good relations among people of religion and belief and others.



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