
Fire safety in high rise domestic buildings: analysis of consultation responses

Analysis and key findings from our consultation on strengthening fire safety in high rise domestic buildings.

8. Annex 1

8.1 Respondent profile and opinions

8.1.1 Respondent profile

Seventy people responded to the consultation. Exactly half the respondents were individuals and half were from organisations. Organisations that responded included

Individuals renting properties

Local Authorities

Individual owner occupiers

Tenants and residents' associations/networks

Housing groups

Insurance companies

Fire safety/protection companies

Note: throughout the remainder of this report, the commentary highlights key points of the respondents. Care should be taken when interpreting these findings, particularly when they are based on low base numbers of respondents (as indicated in the chart above). Due to low response rate (70), it is not possible for every question to break down whether those responding were individuals or organisations. This is done where possible. The commentary should therefore be regarded as indicative.

8.1.2 Respondents' opinions of the consultation

Figure 36. Satisfaction with the consultation

Figure 36. Satisfaction with the consultation

Base: 50

Few respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the consultation with 4% stating that they were dissatisfied. 74% of respondents were either very or slightly satisfied with the consultation.

Figure 37. Respondents' Satisfaction with using Citizen Space

Figure 37. Respondents' Satisfaction with using Citizen Space

Base: 50

Overall most respondents were satisfied or very satisfied (78%) with Citizen Space. Only 2% of respondents were dissatisfied.

8.2 Anonymity and sharing responses

Figure 38. Willingness to have response published

Figure 38. Willingness to have response published


The majority of respondents requested that their response be published anonymously (60%). 27% were happy to allow attributed publication of their response. A small percentage advised that their response may not be published (13%).



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