
Supporting Children's Learning Code of Practice and associated regulations: consultation analysis

Analysis report of the responses from the consultation on the Supporting Children's Learning Code of Practice and associated regulations.

Chapter 8 Resolving Disagreements

1. This chapter considers provisions under the Act for resolving disputes. Q9 asked, "Is the information provided in Chapter 8 appropriate? If you selected no, please provide details of additional information which should be included or removed and a brief reason for it"


Option Total Percentage
Yes 21 50.00%
No 9 21.43%
Don't Know 4 9.52%
Did not answer 8 19.05%

2. As indicated above responses on this chapter were mostly positive.

3. There was a comment that dispute resolution can be difficult to access for disadvantaged groups. The extension of children's rights will benefit looked after children and young people and young carers particularly. Details of the Children's Support Service, which will support Children in accessing their new rights has been added to the Code. The Children's Support service will include advice, advocacy, legal representation and a service to independently seek children's views.

4. Some consultation responses sought further clarification on the relationship between children's and parent's rights under the Act and the circumstances in which each can use their rights. Additional information on this has been added to Chapter 8.

5. There was also a comment regarding the need to include Section 70 timescales in this chapter. The details of the timescales will be clarified in non-statutory guidance on section 70 which has been published for consultation, and will be available in advance of the commencement of the new provisions.


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