
Supporting Children's Learning Code of Practice and associated regulations: consultation analysis

Analysis report of the responses from the consultation on the Supporting Children's Learning Code of Practice and associated regulations.

Chapter 9 General Provisions

1. This chapter considers further provision relating to placing requests as well as a range of miscellaneous provisions in the Act not covered in earlier chapters of the Code. Q10 asked, "Is the information provided in Chapter 9 appropriate? If you selected no, please provide details of additional information which should be included or removed and a brief reason for it."


Option Total Percentage
Yes 24 57.14%
No 7 16.67%
Don't Know 3 7.14%
Did not answer 8 19.05%

2. Responses on this chapter were mostly positive

3. It was requested that provision of Communication Support for British Sign Language users was highlighted. In Annex A Links to Other Legislation, Policies and Guidance the British Sign Language (Scotland) Act 2015 is referenced. In addition to this Part 4 of the Health (Tobacco, Nicotine etc. and Care) (Scotland) Act 2016, is also referenced.

4. There were comments for further guidance on the collection of data on additional support for learning. Officials are working with the Advisory Group for Additional Support for Learning to develop a broader outcomes framework, and guidance in support of this. Therefore no further guidance has been provided as part of the Code.


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