
Supporting Children's Learning Code of Practice and associated regulations: consultation analysis

Analysis report of the responses from the consultation on the Supporting Children's Learning Code of Practice and associated regulations.

Annexes and Glossary

1. Respondents were asked about the 6 Annexes to the guidance, a Glossary and Resources section :

  • Annex A Links to Other Legislation, Policies and Guidance
  • Annex B Co-ordinated Support Plan Template
  • Annex C Decisions about whether the additional support required is significant
  • Annex D Features of Mediation
  • Annex E Practice Matrix *
  • Annex F Planning, Reporting and Review of additional support for learning
  • Glossary of Terms
  • Resources*

* refers to annexes that have now been removed.

2. Q11 asked, if the information provided in the Annexes, Glossary and resources section were appropriate? If you selected no, please provide details of additional information which should be included or removed and a brief reason for it.


Option Total Percentage
Yes 27 64.29%
No 8 19.05%
Don't Know 2 4.76%
Did not answer 5 11.90%

3. Again, reflecting the percentages above, the responses were mainly positive.

4. As part of the overall development of the Code the Scottish Government was concerned that the document was particularly long and reviewed whether any section could be reduced or removed. As a result of discussions with key stakeholders and because specific guidance on the role of allied health professionals was produced in 2010 and has been subsequently updated, the practice matrix at Annex E was removed. The resources section (which had become heavily outdated since 2010) has been removed. Instead, organisations and other services have been added to Enquire's service finder which is part of their online services. This will enable tailored and up to date information to be provided to anyone who searches the database. A link to the Enquire service finder has been added to the Code.

5. Consultation comments resulted in:

  • All Annexes have been reviewed and updated as appropriate (see above for information about Annex E and resources section).
  • Annex A Links to Other Legislation, Policies and Guidance, has been updated extensively to take account of the wider policy developments since the Code's last edition in 2010. Information around the Young Carer Statement has been updated, clarifying that it will come into force 1 April 2018.
  • Ready to Act - A transformational plan for children and young people, their parents, carers and families who require support from allied health professionals ( AHPs) in Scotland, is now referenced in Annex A.


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