
Supporting Children's Learning Code of Practice and associated regulations: consultation analysis

Analysis report of the responses from the consultation on the Supporting Children's Learning Code of Practice and associated regulations.


1. The introduction provides information on what the guidance is about, how the guidance should be used, and the audience for the guidance. Q1 asked "Is the information provided in the introduction clearly set out? If you selected no, please provide details of additional information which should be included or removed and a brief reason for it."


Option Total Percentage
Yes 30 71.43%
No 5 11.90%
Don't Know 0 0%
Did not answer 7 16.67%

2. Reflecting the overall responses to this question, comments were mainly positive such as, "Clear information for all key groups, easy to read for parents and carers."

3. There were comments asking for further clarity on definitions, particularly the use of, eligible pre-school child and eligible child. Therefore, the definition of eligible pre-school child has been updated; this and the definition of eligible child are used appropriately and consistently throughout the Code. The definition of young person has been further clarified and additional headings have been added to make it easier to follow the definitions in the introduction.


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