
Supporting Children's Learning Code of Practice and associated regulations: consultation analysis

Analysis report of the responses from the consultation on the Supporting Children's Learning Code of Practice and associated regulations.

Chapter 5 Co-ordinated Support Plans

1. Chapter 5 explains the circumstances under which children and young people may require a co-ordinated support plan. The contents of a co-ordinated support plan are also considered. Q6 asked, "Is the information provided in Chapter 5 appropriate? If you selected no, please provide details of additional information which should be included or removed and a brief reason for it. "


Option Total Percentage
Yes 22 52.38%
No 11 26.19%
Don't Know 2 4.76%
Did not answer 7 16.67%

2. As reflected in the percentages above feedback on this chapter was mainly positive.

3. It was suggested that that the family circumstances section of this chapter should include children of parents in the Armed Forces. This is now incorporated as an example of a child or young person who may require additional support, in Chapter 1, page 11.

4. There was a comment that parents can have difficulty understanding co-ordinated support plans. This chapter has been reviewed and updated to provide further clarity. However, further information which is specifically designed for parents on a range of Additional Support for Learning issues can also be obtained via Enquire [7] , whose contact details, as well as details of their service are provided within the Code.

5. Clarification was requested in this chapter regarding:

  • who has access to the co-ordinated support plan. This chapter includes a section on disclosure of the CSP which provides clear advice.
  • on the relationship between a co-ordinated support plan and a Child's Plan was requested. This chapter also provides this and has been updated as a result of the consultation See pages 94-95 for details.


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