UEFA EURO 2028 Commercial Rights Protection: consultation analysis - final report

Independent analysis of responses to the public consultation on proposed commercial rights protection measures for UEFA EURO 2028.

Appendix B: Consultation questions

Street trading

Were you aware of street trading laws put in place in event zones for EURO 2020?

[Closed question – answer options: Yes/No/Don’t Know]

What impact, if any, did those street trading laws have on you (as a resident, business or visitor)?

What impact do you think the proposed measures on street trading in EURO 2028 event zones might have on you (as a resident, business or visitor)?

Do you think there are any exemptions or other measures that could be applied to help manage any adverse impacts from the proposed street trading measures?

[Closed question – answer options: Yes/No/Don’t Know]

Can you explain your answer to the above question?


Were you aware of advertising laws put in place in event zones for EURO 2020?

[Closed question – answer options: Yes/No/Don’t Know]

What impact, if any, did those advertising laws have on you (as a resident, business or visitor)?

What impact do you think the proposed measures on advertising in EURO 2028 event zones might have on you (as a resident, business or visitor)?

Do you think there are any exemptions or other measures that could be applied to help manage any adverse impacts from the proposed advertising measures?

[Closed question – answer options: Yes/No/Don’t Know]

Can you explain your answer to the above question?


Were you aware of ticket touting laws put in place for EURO 2020?

[Closed question – answer options: Yes/No/Don’t Know]

What impact, if any, did those ticket touting laws have on you (as a resident, business or visitor)?

What impact do you think the proposed measures on ticket touting for EURO 2028 might have on you (as a resident, business or visitor)?

Do you think there are any exemptions or other measures that could be applied to help manage any adverse impacts from to the proposed ticket touting measures?

[Closed question – answer options: Yes/No/Don’t Know]

Can you explain your answer to the above question?

Which level of penalty for ticket touting offences do you think would be most appropriate for EURO 2028?

  • £5,000
  • £10,000
  • £20,000
  • £50,000
  • Don’t know



Do you have any feedback on the partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment published alongside this survey?

In what ways, if any, do you think the proposed legislation would affect some groups of people differently than others? This might be based on where people live, their socioeconomic status or their protected characteristics.

Other mega events and events more generally

Do you have any further comments about the regulatory context for events in Scotland? In your response who may wish to reflect on how Scotland can maintain its reputation for hosting events.


Email: majorevents@gov.scot

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