Consultation on United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD): analysis of responses - summary

Presents a summary of the analysis from the consultation on our Draft Delivery Plan for 2016 to 2020 on the UNCRPD.

The three cross-cutting themes

The delivery plan outlines three ways of working, which will underpin all that is done to deliver each of the outcomes. The themes identified are:

  • disabled people are empowered to participate fully
  • communication is accessible and inclusive of all
  • raising awareness - barriers facing disabled people are known, understood and addressed

Consultees were asked if they agreed or disagreed that these were the most important themes that the Scottish Government needed to build in to the way it works across all activity to achieve the rights of disabled people. Three quarters (75%) agreed that they were.

Whilst most consultees were broadly supportive of these themes, there were suggestions for themes which should have been included, or given more focus. In particular, it was felt that human rights should have been more central to the delivery plan, and also that the rights of the child should have been given more prominence.

Other themes suggested were: free social care at point of delivery, in order to strengthen disabled people's empowerment and participation; combatting social isolation and promoting social inclusion; supporting people to lead independent healthy lives; intersectionality; and violence


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