Consultation on United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD): summary of responses - Easy Read version

Presents a summary of the analysis from the consultation on our Draft Delivery Plan for 2016 to 2020 on the UNCRPD.

Main Points

People want the Scottish Government to get more involved with disabled people and Disabled People's Organisations.


The Scottish Government also want to engage more with people. But people thought that the Scottish Government had not planned enough engagement with other people and they could do more.

People want more inclusive communication. People want more than just braille or British Sign Language or Easy Read.

Communication aid

People thought the deadlines were not clear and should be set.


Some parts of the plan were focussed at certain things. Examples were internet safety for children or violence against disabled women and girls. Other parts of the plan were focussed on towns or rural areas. Some examples of these were transport in the countryside or a para sports centre in Inverclyde. People wanted the plan to cover all disabled people everywhere in Scotland and not to exclude anyone.


People thought that the plan was mostly around physical barriers. People thought that attitudes and stigma of other people should be dealt with as these are bigger barriers than physical ones.

Access ramp

People want all government departments and organisations to work together to make the plan work.

Effects combined

People thought that all the links between UN treaties had to be made as many of the government's plans were linked. Some examples were access to transport or accessible housing.

UN Disability Rights

People want services to support them and look after their needs. People want to be treated with dignity and respect.

Identify needs

All staff should be trained on disability and equality awareness.

Training room

Employers should also get training on disability and equality to help them gain confidence in employing disabled people.

Disabled people are not all the same. Some have other barriers too. Some examples of this are skin colour or religion or sexuality.


Some people thought that human rights should be an important part of the plan.

Human Rights Act

Discussion took place about the model of disability that it used in the plan. The plan used the social model of disability. Some people were confused about the wording because it sounded like the medical model. Other people did not like social or medical model and wanted other models to be used.

People spoke about how records could be kept to make sure the plan is working as it is supposed to.


People discussed how unhappy they were about the lack of support given to disabled people in everyday situations. This was everything from access to health and social care to access to work.



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