
Removal, storage and disposal of vehicles regulations: analysis of consultation responses

Analysis of written responses to our consultation on the removal, storage and disposal of vehicles regulations.


1. Where proportions are given in the question summaries, these relate to the proportion of respondents who addressed the question, unless otherwise stated.

2. Scottish Government (2018). Consultation on Removal, Storage and Disposal of Vehicles Regulations. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, available at

3. Percentages in tables in the report do not always sum to 100% due to rounding.

4. The numbers who addressed each question are given in the presentation of findings at each individual question.


6. Where percentages are given of overall views at each question, these are, throughout the report, the percentages of those respondents who addressed the particular question.

7. It should be noted, however, that both of the respondents who stated explicitly in Question 1 that they preferred a flat rate, endorsed the Scottish Government's proposed matrix approach later in their responses.

8. Where percentages are given of types of respondent expressing a particular view, or addressing a particular issue, these are, throughout the report, the percentages of all respondents in that category.

9. For reference, this is reproduced at Annex 5 of this report.

10. One respondent stated "yes" at part 1, but wrote "I do not agree with the proposed list of categories and scenarios" at part 2. For the purposes of the analysis, this has been categories as "no clear view" in terms of part 1 of this question.

11. One submitted two photographs with their response to illustrate this.

12. Note: Storage charges were set out on p23 of the consultation document at Annex E.

13. Column 2 refers to "Vehicle[s] equal to or less than 3.5 tonnes MAM", and column 3 to "Vehicle[s] exceeding 3.5 tonnes MAM and equal to or less than 7.5 tonnes MAM".

14. The matrix is reproduced in Annex 4 of this document for reference.

15. Column 4 refers to "Vehicle[s] exceeding 7.5 tonnes MAM and equal to or less than 18 tonnes MAM, and column 5 to "Vehicle[s] exceeding 18 tonnes MAM".

16. This is reproduced at Annex 5 of this report for reference.

17. See Question 3 for specific exploration of this issue.

18. The respondent noted that this was not an issue for this legislation.



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