
Removal, storage and disposal of vehicles regulations: analysis of consultation responses

Analysis of written responses to our consultation on the removal, storage and disposal of vehicles regulations.

Annex 3: Current charges

The table below (extracted from Annex D of the Consultation document, describes the current charges for removal, retention and disposal of motor vehicles.

Annex D - The Road Traffic Act 1988 (Retention and Disposal of Seized Motor Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulations 2008

Charges in relation to the removal ofvehicles

Vehiclepositionandcondition Vehicle equal to or less than 3.5tonnes MAM Vehicle exceeding 3.5 tonnes MAM but equal to or less than 7.5 tonnes Vehicle exceeding 7.5 tonnes MAM but equal to or less than 18 MAM Vehicle exceeding 18 tonnes MAM
Vehicle on road, upright and not substantially damaged or any two wheeled vehicle whatever its condition or position on or off the road £150 £200 £350 £350
Vehicle, excluding a two wheeled vehicle, on road but either not upright or substantially damaged or both £250 £650 Unladen–£2000 Unladen–£3000
Laden–£3000 Laden–£4500
Vehicle, excluding a two wheeled vehicle, off road, upright and not substantially damaged £200 £400 Unladen–£1000 Unladen–£1500
Laden–£1500 Laden–£2000
Vehicle, excluding a two wheeled vehicle, off road but either not upright or substantially damaged or both £300 £850 Unladen–£3000 Unladen–£4500
Laden–£4500 Laden–£6000

Charges in relation to the storage of vehicles

Two wheeled vehicle Vehicle, not including a two wheeled vehicle, equal to or less than 3.5 tonnes MAM Vehicle exceeding 3.5 tonnes MAM but equal to or less than 7.5 tonnes MAM Vehicle exceeding 7.5 tonnes MAM but equal to or less than 18 tonnes MAM Vehicleexceeding18tonnesMAM
£10 £20 £25 £30 £35



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