Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment - SG response: consumer duty impact assessment

This impact assessment assesses the impact of the SG response to the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment for consumers.

Stage 4, Decision


  • Consider the findings of previous stages and agree any changes to the proposal. Document clearly how you have met the consumer duty:
  • The impact of the strategic decision on consumers and the desirability of reducing harm to consumers have been considered throughout the process.
  • That an outcomes-based approach has been taken to achieve the best outcomes for consumers.


  • Consideration has and continues to be given to consumers/pupils. An outcomes-based approach has and continues to be taken. Evidence of this can be seen in the SG response to the IRQA and the other associated impact assessments. Due regard has been given to the guidance available in the Consumer Scotland publication How to meet the consumer duty: guidance for public authorities (draft) The seven consumer principles have also been considered with the fairness principle being given particular consideration.



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