Contaminated Land Advisory Group: terms of reference
- Published
- 23 April 2015
- Directorate
- Environment and Forestry Directorate
Terms of reference for the Contaminated Land Advisory Group (CLAG).
Part of
1. Purpose of document
1.1. This document provides a 'terms of reference' framework for the Contaminated Land Advisory Group (CLAG) which will assist in developing common understanding, its governance, and its achievement of objectives. It will also provide the basis for developing the business case and project specific terms of reference for individual projects carried out within the CLAG remit
2. Background to CLAG
2.1. The Contaminated Land Advisory Group (CLAG) provides a forum for dialogue and discussion between the Scottish Government and representatives from the contaminated land community. The group provides a cross section of advice and information to Scottish Government on land contamination matters and issues as they relate to scotland.
3. Remits and objectives
3.1. To provide a forum for transparent dialogue between the Scottish Government and representatives from the contaminated land community in scotland.
3.2. To provide feedback, information, advice and input to the Scottish Government in relation to the implementation of the contaminated land regime, consideration of current or potential land contamination issues.
3.3. To input into the development and progression of shared and agreed projects and work programming designed to review, revise or improve the regime.
4. Functioning and work programming
4.1. The existence of the group has no tight or defined timescale. Requirement for, and duration of the group will be dictated by the Scottish Government and will reflect the ongoing tasks or need for advice and information in relation to land contamination matters in scotland.
4.2. The continuing value, remit, operation and membership of the working group will be reviewed on an annual basis as considered necessary by the group
4.3. Meetings will be held at a frequency dictated by the tasks being undertaken.
4.4. Minutes, principally focussed around action points, of each meeting will be circulated to all group members.
4.5. Tasks and projects will be developed on the basis of a business case and key roles within each project will be agreed and assigned when the business case is accepted.
4.6. Work programming agreed by the group will be placed on the Scottish Government website and updated and maintained as appropriate. Each task or project will have an associated breakdown of work structure which may include scoping, schedule of work, and timetable.
4.7. Scottish Government will have governance over any decision making process and will approve any task or project business case.
5. Membership, roles and resources
5.1. The group will be chaired by Scottish Government.
5.2. CLAG is made up of representatives of organisations who regularly attend and participate in meetings, and often contribute to development of tasks and projects between meetings. These representatives form the core membership and currently this group comprises of representatives from the following:
- Scottish Government
- Scottish Pollution Control Co-Ordinating Committee/ Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (SPCCC/ REHIS)
- Society of Chief Officers Of Environmental Health (SOCOEH)
- Environmental Industries Commission (EIC)
- Scottish Contaminated Land Forum (SCLF)
- Health Protection Scotland (HPS)
- Environmental Protection Scotland (EP-Scotland)
- Law Society of Scotland (LSS)
- Four Local Pollution Liaison (Contaminated Land) Sub-Groups (LPLSG):
- North
- Central and East
- Central and West
- South and East
5.3. It is the responsibility of each organisation to nominate and agree their representative on the group.
5.4. The group is normally limited to one representative per organisation in order to be kept to a manageable size. Some organisations may have different divisions or subgroups and it may be valuable in these circumstances to allow separate representation.
5.5. Corresponding membership should be restricted to a nominated representative of those organisations who have an interest in the CLAG but are not directly involved or interested in the development or completion of particular projects or tasks currently being undertaken by the CLAG.
5.6. Corresponding members at this time include:
- Food Standards Scotland
- Homes For Scotland
5.7. Members of the group may be asked by Scottish Government to take the lead on certain topics (e.g. Co-ordinating role) where they have a particular expertise or interest
5.8. Members' involvement in particular projects and tasks should be carefully considered as roles within projects can involve significant resources. Tasks and roles should be carefully designed to ensure appropriate allocation of resources and realistic delivery of outcomes.
5.9. Members should declare any conflicts of interests in relation to the group (e.g. Bidding for SG funded work) and when appropriate abstain from involvement within such areas of input or discussion.
6. Communication and circulation mechanisms
6.1. In general will be by e-mail. The distribution list comprising those attending CLAG meetings is constructed and maintained by Scottish Government.
6.2. The aim of the group communication methods will be to keep all members updated and informed as required but not to 'bombard' ad hoc or flood corresponding members with unnecessary information where there is no specific interest or input.
6.3. Action points from all meetings will be circulated to attending, and corresponding members.
6.4. Action points or associated relevant information (as considered appropriate by Scottish Government) will also be placed on the Scottish Government website.
6.5. Representatives of the organisations attending the CLAG are expected to circulate items among their own member organisations in order to foster transparency and avoid ever increasing email distribution groups for CLAG.
- File type
- 3 page PDF
- File size
- 25.6 kB
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