Continuity of carer and local delivery of care: implementation framework
Framework to enable maternity services to access useful tools, resources and information to implement continuity of carer and local delivery of care, and track progress.
AfC | Agenda for Change |
AMU | Alongside Midwifery Unit |
CCLD | Continuity of Carer and Local Delivery of Care sub group |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CMU | Community Midwifery Unit |
EAB | Early Adopter Board |
GIRFEC | Getting it Right for Every Child |
IJB | Integration Joint Board |
NES | National Education for Scotland |
NGT | Nasal Gastric Tube |
NHSS | NHS Scotland |
NTC | Neonatal Transitional Care |
PID | Project Initiation Document |
Process Mapping | An approach to improvement which shows all of the steps involved in a process and how they connect, with the aim of identifying areas for improvement |
RCM | Royal College of Midwives |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
TEC | Technology Enabled Care |
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