
Control of Potato Cyst Nematodes: Consultation on the Implementation in Scotland of Directive 2007/33/EC

Consultation on the implementation in Scotland of Directive 2007/33/EC

Covering Letter

Rural Directorate
Agriculture and Rural Development Division

T: 0131-244 4895 F: 0131-244 6509

To seed and ware potato growers
Our ref: E610680 - CRES 1120
6 March 2009

Dear Sir/Madam


You may be aware that a new EC Directive on the control of potato cyst nematodes ( PCN) will come into force from 1 July 2010, replacing the current Directive 69/465/EEC. I am writing to invite your comments on the Scottish Government's proposals for the detailed implementation of the new Directive.

PCN, Globodera rostochiensis and Globodera pallida, are serious pests of potato crops world-wide. Potatoes are an important crop for Scotland and maintaining the supply of seed potatoes free of PCN (and other quarantine diseases) is vital to the ware industry in Scotland, as well as for export sales. It is also in the interest of the industry to avoid the spread of PCN within Scotland, to maintain the supply of land for potato production.

European legislation has been in place since 1969 to limit the increase and spread of these pests, and this legislation has recently been updated to take account of changes in the understanding of the biology of PCN, its distribution across the EU and practices within the potato industry. Some of the provisions of the new PCN Control Directive are obligatory, with the aim of harmonising measures in all Member States. Others allow some flexibility for local implementation. The requirement to amend current arrangements also provides an opportunity to review some of the Seed Potato Classification Scheme ( SPCS) rules on PCN which are not set out in legislation.

The attached consultation paper explains the requirements of the new Directive and seeks stakeholders' views on various options in those areas where flexibility is available. I would welcome your views on these options by 29 May 2009 or earlier if possible. All responses received by the closing date will be taken into consideration in deciding how the new regime should operate.

Please see Annex B of the consultation paper for full details of how to respond and how your response will be handled. Please make sure you return the Respondent Information Form with your comments.

This consultation applies to Scotland only. Similar exercises are being undertaken in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The consultation paper is also available online, on the the consultation pages of the Scottish Government website

Yours sincerely

Signature of Jean Waddie Plants, Horticulture and Potatoes

Jean Waddie
Plants, Horticulture and Potatoes

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