
Core mental health standards

These core standards support adult secondary services with the aim of improving quality and safety of mental health services for people in Scotland.

9. What I can expect


1.1 I will be able to easily access and understand information about who services are for, what is provided, and how I can be referred to these.

1.2 Regardless of where I first made contact for support, I will be supported to get the help that is right for me, from the right person.

1.3 After I am referred, I will be contacted with an estimate of the time I will have to wait to be seen. I will receive regular updates if the time I have to wait is longer than this.

1.4 I will be provided with information on other appropriate available support such as online resources, self-help, and community resources including those from third sector and member-led organisations which will support me while I am waiting well.

1.5 I will be treated with kindness, compassion, dignity and respect when accessing services and my experiences, personal circumstances and requirements will be considered.

1.6 I will receive the help I need in a timely way and in a timescale which is based on the best of evidence.

1.7 If I am experiencing crisis, I will be able to access the help I need at a time I need it, in an accessible and available space. I will be shown compassion by the people who provide my support.

Assessment, Care Planning, Treatment and Support

2.1 The help I receive will be centred around me, respectful of my choices and based on the evidence about what is most likely to help me. This will take into account my cultural and social needs, and will aim to follow the principles of trauma-informed practice.

2.2 I will get the help I need in a compassionate environment which is free from stigma.

2.3 I will be supported by professionals who have the necessary skills to meet my assessed needs.

2.4 If I need help from multiple professionals and agencies, I will have a designated person who will offer support in coordinating these.

2.5 Alongside consideration of my assessed needs, I will be asked what is important to me and this will inform my mental health and wellbeing assessment and the help I receive.

2.6 My support network will be involved in my care if I want them to be. They will be signposted to support and resources that are available to support them.

2.7 I will have one written care and treatment plan which is jointly created by me and the professionals supporting me.

2.8 I will have access to my care plan which will be regularly reviewed to ensure it continues to reflect my assessed needs and what is important to me.

2.9 Professionals who work with me will communicate in a way I understand.

2.10 Based on my assessed needs, including safety, the help I need will be delivered as close to home as possible and in ways that suit me.

2.11 I will have a choice in how I prefer to access care and support and whether I engage digitally or face to face. However I access support, the environment will be safe, clean and will enable effective treatment.

Moving between and out of services

3.1 If I need to move between or out of services, I will be supported to prepare for this move. If I need someone to help me, that support will be available to me at a time and pace I need.

3.2 If I move between different services, my care plan will include clear information which supports my move.

3.3 With my permission, my care plan will be shared as I move between services so that I have to tell my story as few times as possible.

3.4 If I move out of services, I will understand how to get support, care and treatment if I need this again, this will be easy for me.


4.1 I will be confident that the staff who work with me have the right skills, training and experience.

4.2 I will be confident that the staff who work with me are well supported to do their job and their wellbeing is protected.

Governance and accountability

5.1 I will be asked about my experiences and this feedback will be used to improve services. With my agreement, my support network will also be able to offer feedback.

5.2 I will be able to easily find clear information on what actions I can take if these standards are not being met or I do not feel satisfied with my experience.

5.3 I will be signposted to independent advocacy services for support, given the opportunity to share my experience confidentially and be supported to make a formal complaint if I want to.



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