
Coronavirus Acts: sixth report to Scottish Parliament (April 2021)

Sixth report to the Scottish Parliament on the Coronavirus Acts


1. The Coronavirus (Scotland) Acts (Amendment of Expiry Dates) Regulations 2021

2. Coronavirus Act one-year report: March 2021

3. UK Parliament - Commons - Hansard - Coronavirus - Thursday 25 March 2021 and UK Parliament - Lords - Hansard - Covid-19: One Year Report - Thursday 25 March 2021

4. Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Bill

5. Coronavirus (Scotland) (No.2) Act 2020: fourth report on marriage and civil partnership

6. The Coronavirus (Scotland) Acts (Early Expiry and Suspension of Provisions) Regulations 2021

7. Coronavirus (Scotland) (No.2) Act 2020: fourth report on the Scottish Ministers' responses to requests for information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

8. The Coronavirus (Scotland) Acts (Early Expiry of Provisions) Regulations 2020

9. Scottish Parliament Official Report - 11 March 2021

10. New court arrangements from Tuesday 12 January 2021

11. The Coronavirus (Scotland) Acts (Early Expiry of Provisions) Regulations 2020

12. The Town and Country Planning (Emergency Period and Extended Period) (Coronavirus) (Scotland) Regulations 2021

13. The Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020 (Suspension: Muirburn) Regulations 2020

14. The Social Care Staff Support Fund (Coronavirus) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2020

15. The Town and Country Planning (Emergency Period and Extended Period) (Coronavirus) (Scotland) Regulations 2021

16. Coronavirus (Scotland) (No.2) Act 2020: fourth report on the Scottish Ministers' responses to requests for information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

17. Scottish Ministers' indemnity cover direction

18. Coronavirus Act 2020 (C.7): direction under paragraph 2(4) of Schedule 14

19. Coronavirus Act 2020 (C.7): determination under paragraph 8(1) of Schedule 14 (Cremations)

20. Provision of Routine Vaccinations and Immunisations (Coronavirus Outbreak) (Scotland) Directions 2020

21. The Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020 (Eviction from Dwelling-houses) (Notice Periods) Modification Regulations 2020

22. The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Protection from Eviction) (Scotland) Regulations 2020

23. The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Local Levels) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 12) Regulations 2021

24. The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Local Levels) (Scotland) Regulations 2020

25. Scottish Government Labour Market Trends February 2021

26. Universal Credit Scotland Dashboard, February 2021

27. Office for National Statistics financial resilience analysis

28. YouGov survey: A third of renters worry about affording food

29. Resolution Foundation: Coping with housing costs, six months on

30. Joseph Rowntree Foundation survey: Almost a third of Scots' incomes have reduced in lockdown, with half of affected renters worried about paying rent

31. Joseph Rowntree Foundation: Struggling renters need a lifeline this winter

32. CAS Housing Data Q1-3 2020 | Citizens Advice Scotland

33. Scottish Housing Regulator: Full dataset from all landlords from April 2020 to January 2021

34. Joseph Rowntree Foundation: Government can provide a housing lifeline in the coming economic storm

35. Bespoke analysis provided by PayProp, based on residential clients in Scotland who processed funds in all 5 months January to May 2020.

36. PayProp UK Special Report – 2020 in review

37. Joseph Rowntree foundation: A stronger Scottish lifeline in the economic storm

38. Social tenants in Scotland 2017

39. Resolution Foundation: Young workers in the coronavirus crisis

40. Scottish household survey 2019: annual report

41. Social tenants in Scotland 2017

42. Scottish household survey 2018: annual report

43. Children's Hearings Improvement Partnership: Guidance – Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020

44. This data was provided by SCRA.

45. This data was provided by the SCTS.

46. See regulation 2(a) of the Coronavirus (Scotland) Acts (Early Expiry and Suspension of Provisions) Regulations 2021

47. This data is from Children's Hearings Scotland (CHS). It comes from reports from Area Support Teams (AST) from 7 April – 6 May and from 7 May onwards, data is drawn from survey of Panel Members feedback on hearings in which they participated and from AST reports. 317 responses were received, of which 276 were completed in full and 41 completed in part. It should be noted that the survey responses do not reflect reports on 100% of hearings. However, the National Convener also required AST to report when the powers have been used.

48. For the second reporting period, CHS introduced a new survey collecting information on the composition of panels at hearings. Returns reporting on 826 hearings were received.

49. The data for the third reporting period onward is a combination of responses to the survey on the composition of panels at hearings, and AST notifications to the National Convener of when the powers have been used.

50. The data on this provision and all of the children's hearings provisions that follow is from the SCRA. Its case management system was not set up for recording the detail of this legislation so generating figures has been complex. As the report is based on live operational data it will be subject to change over time. SCRA's live operational data is regularly adjusted by staff‎ when issues with data integrity become apparent and as cases progress. This is especially prevalent in SCRA data where the time between the reporting period and the production of the report is short.

51. CHIP Recovery Plan 2020-2021

52. This is likely to be undercounted as a result of the way SCRA's new case management system records IVCSOs (Interim Variation of a Compulsory Supervision Order) – any undercount may be captured in the count of Compulsory Supervision Orders with secure accommodation authorisation.

53. The Coronavirus (Scotland) Acts (Early Expiry of Provisions) Regulations 2020 - Policy Note

54. Adults with Incapacity Emergency Legislation Commencement Consideration Group

55. Coronavirus (COVID-19): universities, colleges and student accommodation providers

56. Coronavirus (COVID-19): timetable for easing restrictions

57. The Care Homes Emergency Intervention Orders (Coronavirus) (Scotland) Regulations 2020

58. Reports to the Scottish Parliament on Care Inspectorate inspections

59. Care Inspectorate: Inspection during COVID-19

60. Coronavirus (COVID-19): adult care homes - additional data

61. Care Inspectorate: Equalities report 2019-21

62. Coronavirus (COVID-19): wedding ceremonies and civil partnership registrations

63. National Records of Scotland: Getting Married or Civilly Partnered in Scotland

64. Coronavirus (Scotland) (No.2) Act 2020: fourth report on marriage and civil partnership

65. The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions) (Scotland) Regulations 2020

66. Police Scotland: Enforcement and Response Data

67. The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Local Levels) (Scotland) Regulations 2020

68. Under the new Regulations, the power to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice is, in some circumstances, also exercisable by a person designated by a local authority (see regulations 4(11) and (12) and 7).

69. Equality Impact Assessment - The Coronavirus Act 2020 (Suspension: Adult Social Care) (Scotland) Regulations 2020

70. Coronavirus (COVID 19): changes to social care assessments - statutory guidance for local authorities on sections 16 and 17 of the Coronavirus Act 2020 as updated on 6 Nov 2020

71. The Coronavirus Act 2020 (Commencement No. 1) (Scotland) Regulations 2020

72. Coronavirus Act 2020: educational continuity direction

73. Coronavirus (COVID-19): strategic framework for reopening schools, early learning and childcare provision

74. School reopening arrangements for January 2021: impact assessment

75. Coronavirus (COVID-19): closure and re-opening of schools - children's rights and wellbeing impact assessment

76. Coronavirus (COVID-19): re-opening childcare - impact assessment

77. Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19) - Guidance

78. Coronavirus (COVID-19): local protection levels - Staying at home and away from others

79. Coronavirus (COVID-19): framework for decision making

80. Coronavirus (COVID-19): Route Map - supporting evidence for the 15 October review

81. Police Scotland: Enforcement and Response Data

82. Recorded crime in Scotland: 2018-2019

83. Criminal proceedings in Scotland: 2018-2019

84. ScotStat: Subscribe to our Alerts and Newsletters

85. Coronavirus (COVID-19): Declaration of a serious and imminent threat to public health

86. Coronavirus (COVID-19): Declaration of a serious and imminent threat to public health (supplementary)

87. Coronavirus (COVID-19): Declaration of a serious and imminent threat to public health

88. Coronavirus (COVID-19): Declaration of a serious and imminent threat to public health (supplementary)

89. The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Directions by Local Authorities) (Scotland) Regulations 2020



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