
Coronavirus (COVID-19): additional measures - 8 October 2020

Overview of temporary restrictions to help reduce the spread of the virus.

These additional measures have been replaced by local COVID protection levels. Check the protection level (tier) for your area and find out what you can and cannot do under each level.


In view of the deteriorating position of the epidemic, we have concluded that further restrictions are now necessary and proportionate to tackle the spread of the virus and address the public health emergency.

On 7 October the First Minister announced that further restrictions would be introduced on a nationwide basis with other specific measures being introduced across the central belt reflecting the higher rates of incidence and prevalence currently in that area in general.  In addition, some existing rules and guidance will be strengthened alongside wider measures to reduce the transmission.

The central belt is for these purposes defined as covering the health board regions of Lothian, Lanarkshire, Forth Valley, Ayrshire & Arran and Greater Glasgow & Clyde (see below for how we are defining the central belt)

Temporary measures are planned to last for 16 days starting for licensed premises at 18:00 on Friday 9 October  and at 00:01 Saturday 10 October  for all other restrictions.  They will run until 06:00 on Monday 26 October inclusive.

Nationwide measures (outside the central belt area)

The following temporary measures will apply nationwide outside the central belt:

Hospitality (food and drink premises)

  • all premises may only open indoors between 6 am and 6 pm, with no sale of alcohol
  • all premises may open outdoors until 10pm, including for the sale of alcohol, if licensed to do so
  • current meeting rules apply in hospitality settings: maximum of 6 people from 2 households
  • limited exemption for meals and drinks (without alcohol) for guests staying in accommodation, for transport and for student residences that are licensed premises. (Alcohol sales are permitted as part of room service within licensed accommodation)
  • exemption for specific life events (e.g. wedding receptions), which may continue (with alcohol) as per current meeting rules (e.g. 20 person limit in regulated premises)
  • exemption for take-aways – subject to local licensing

Temporary central belt measures

Hospitality (food and drink premises)

  • licensed premises must close
    • only the parts of a licensed premises where food or drink are served have to close. For example, the bar in a licensed clubhouse would have to close, but the shop could remain open. Licensed cafes may open from 0600—1800 (without alcohol sale or consumption)
  • unlicensed premises may open between 6 am and 6 pm
  • current meeting rules apply: maximum of 6 people from 2 households
  • limited exemption for meals and drinks (without alcohol) for guests staying in accommodation, for transport and for student residences that are licensed premises. (Alcohol sales are permitted as part of room service within licensed accommodation)
  • exemption for specific life events (e.g. wedding receptions) – which may continue (with alcohol) as per current meeting rules (20 person limit in regulated premises).
  • exemption for take-aways – subject to local licensing


  • we want people to be safe. We are not advising that people who have already booked holiday accommodation in October need to cancel. More generally, please think about whether you need to travel, especially if you live in or would be travelling to, or through, the central belt. The Scottish Government is asking people within the central belt areas (see end note for definition) to think carefully about whether they need to travel outside their local health board area and, where that is necessary, to plan to do so safely
  • working from home is expected of all those who can. Non-essential offices should remain closed. Public transport use should be minimised as much as possible – such as for education and work - where it cannot be done from home
  • active travel (walking, cycling) is encouraged to leave safe space on public transport for those who have no alternative

Sports, exercise and leisure

  • no group exercise classes for indoor gyms/sports courts, pools. (Exemption for U18s)
  • no contact sports/ training – except professional sports, indoor or outdoor. (Exemption for U18s)
  • no outdoor live events
  • snooker and pool halls, indoor bowling, casinos and bingo halls must close

Additional measures to reduce transmission of the virus

Review during the two weeks of temporary measures:

  • during the two week (16 day) period we will work with all sectors to review guidance in place to ensure all steps are being taken to minimise transmission and support compliance with regulations
  • this will include working with food and drink premises on inspections and further measures to support customer compliance and reduce the prospects of transmission within food and drink establishments
  • we will seek to ensure that those who are self-isolating can continue to work from home, when well, and receive pay

Further Additional Measures:

  • face coverings: We will regulate on the use of face-coverings in indoor communal and social settings – for example in corridors, workplace canteens and break rooms etc
  • retail: Further transmission-reducing measures will be developed with the sector: for example, 2 metre distancing requirement and stronger communications activity on the importance of adhering to the regulations
  • self-isolation: we will work with councils and third sector partners to mobilise community volunteers to support people who are self-isolating
  • safer workplaces: We will develop a Food Sector Protocol to help food businesses deal more effectively with outbreaks

We will keep the situation under review and will keep the Scottish Parliament updated

End note

The central belt for these purposes is defined by these Health Board areas, with their constituent local authorities:

  • Ayrshire & Arran Health Board, comprising East, North, and South Ayrshire
  • Forth Valley Health Board, comprising Clackmannanshire, Falkirk, and Stirling
  • Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board, comprising Glasgow City, East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde, Renfrewshire, and West Dunbartonshire
  • Lanarkshire Health Board, comprising North and South Lanarkshire
  • Lothian Health Board, comprising the City of Edinburgh, East Lothian, Midlothian, and West Lothian

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Coronavirus (COVID-19): additional measures - 8 October 2020
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