
Coronavirus (COVID-19): adult care homes visiting guidance

Guidance and resources on visiting and supporting residents who have respiratory infections (including COVID-19) in care homes.

Open with Care - supporting meaningful contact in adult care homes

We published Open with Care: supporting meaningful contact in adult care homes – principles on 1 June 2022. It is an update of the original Open with Care guidance published in February 2021. It details the expectation and principles for visiting in adult care homes, including during outbreaks. It also provides an overview of the current guidance. An easy read version of Open with Care: visiting in adult care homes guidance is also available. In addition to this, a leaflet has been produced to support families and friends to visit individuals who live in adult care homes. Paper copies of these leaflets were sent to care homes. 

More guidance on visiting and protective measures during outbreaks

Care homes

General public

Letters to the sector and additional supporting information

Letters to the sector and additional supporting information

Infographics and resources

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