
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Business Support Funding experimental statistics – Payment dates by Scheme from August 2020 to June 2021

A summary of COVID-19 business support funding paid to Scottish businesses that ran from August 2020 to June 2021.

This publication contains information on COVID-19 business support funding broken down by payment date for specific schemes.

The time period reported broadly covers schemes that went live between August 2020 and June 2021. This information does not cover all funding. We have yet to systematically collect individual award level data on all schemes that went live in the 2021-22 financial year. For more management and statistical  information on all schemes from aggregate level data collection please see business support funding statistics information.

In total this publication covers key payment dates for 49 schemes that was disbursed to support businesses cope with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes payment information by quarter and by month for 29 and 28 schemes, respectively. Where schemes include multiple payments e.g. Strategic Framework Business Fund, these have been assigned to the first payment date. Where payment information is missing or requires further processing this has been classified as ‘Unknown’. Additional quality assurance work is ongoing to provide more detailed analysis of schemes with multiple payments and to resolve ‘Unknown’ payment dates where possible. More schemes will be included with further revisions of this publication.

The majority of the information used in this publication was gathered in June 2021. For the most part the data relates to the final position of closed funds. In a few cases the fund was still ongoing (e.g. Local Authority Discretional Fund) or had future rounds.

The data was compiled from award level payment information from the administrators of the various schemes and then aggregating the information. Please note that due to ongoing quality assurance, these statistics are subject to change. The figures may differ slightly from previously published aggregate scheme values, due to the more in-depth methodology used here and also from subsequent changes to funding such as some businesses repaying funding they had received.


Please see the excel files linked on this page for the publication data:

Key dates by scheme

Table 1: Percentage of total paid (£) by quarter based on date of first payment

Table 2: Amount paid (£) by quarter based on date of first payment

Table 3: Percentage of total paid (£) by month based on date of first payment

Table 4: Amount paid (£) by month based on date of first payment

An experimental statistics publication for Scotland

Experimental statistics are defined by the Code of Practice for Statistics as 'a subset of newly developed or innovative official statistics undergoing evaluation, that are published in order to involve users and stakeholders in the assessment of their suitability and quality at an early stage'.

More detail on statistical designations is available.


For enquiries about the publication please contact:

Pippa Stone

COVID-19 Business Support Statistics



For general enquiries about Scottish Government statistics, please contact: Office of the Chief Statistician, Telephone: 0131 244 0442, E-mail:

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