
Coronavirus (COVID-19): CPN 1/2020 duration extended: CPN 5/2020

This policy note advises that guidance in CPN 1/2020 remains applicable after 30 June 2020 and will expire after 30 September 2020.


1. This Construction Policy Note (CPN) advises that guidance in CPN 1/2020 remains applicable after 30 June and will expire after 30 September unless circumstances at that time require otherwise.

Key message

2. Scottish Government’s objective for the construction sector during the COVID-19 pandemic is to help ensure that Scotland as a whole takes a responsible approach to the containment of COVID-19, while being in a position to respond to both critical and longer term recovery requirements.

Timing and coverage

3. This note is intended for all those contracting authority staff involved in the planning and delivery of public works projects. It is applicable guidance under the Scottish Public Finance Manual (SPFM). This CPN is part of a suite of procurement guidance related to COVID-19, which includes the following:


4. On 9 April 2020 CPN 1/2020 set out measures to help the construction sector retain the capability and capacity necessary to effectively recommence work and deliver current and future construction project pipeline. On 21 April 2020 the framework of principles set out which sectors of business and industry could stage safe progress towards economic productivity. On 21 May the route map through and out of the COVID-19 crisis issued, to which the six phase restart model developed by Construction Scotland on behalf of the industry was aligned.


5. The underlining ethos of fairness, pragmatism and collaboration set out in CPN 1/2020 for contracting authorities to frame procurement activities, especially responsible contract management, remains a necessary basis to help stimulate a safe, orderly and effective restart in the transition towards economic recovery. CPN 1/2020 therefore remains applicable guidance until 30 September, after which it will expire unless circumstances at that time require otherwise.


6. Please bring this CPN to the attention of all those staff involved in the procurement of relevant construction projects.


Construction Procurement Policy Unit
Scottish Government
3B South Victoria Quay

Phone: 0131 244 8492
Webpages: Construction Procurement

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