Coronavirus (COVID-19) - replacement of National Qualifications exams in 2021 session: equalities impact and Fairer Scotland Duty assessment
Equality impact assessment to consider the impacts on groups with protected characteristics and/or those experiencing socio-economic disadvantage of replacing the examination diet for National 5, Highers and Advanced Highers in 2020 to 2021 with an alternative certification model.
Annex B
Percentage of time pupils were in attendance (showing all secondary and S4/5/6 rates)
*note pattern across deciles – attendance rates generally improving from SIMD Q1 -> SIMD Q5
this table shows the percentage of time S4/5/6 pupils were in attendance from 17 August to 8 December, split by SIMD quintiles. It shows a general pattern of (a) attendance rates improving from Q1 to Q5 showing that learners from more deprived areas were more likely to be absent due to covid related reasons than less deprived learners, and (b) attendance in quintiles 1 to 4 improved from S4 to S5 to S6. In quintile 5 attendance was largely consistent across S4, 5 and 6
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