
Coronavirus (COVID-19): framework for decision making - overview of public engagement

This report outlines the themes emerging from a rapid analysis of the public engagement exercise on our approach to decision making with regard to changes to the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown arrangements.

Annex C: Platform engagement - quantitative overview

The following annex provides a quantitative summary of user engagement on the platform between 5 and 11 May 2020.

Headline figures

4254 ideas were submitted to the platform. 132 ideas were rejected due to being in breach of the moderation policy and 4122 ideas were published on the site. 17,966 comments were posted. These came from 11,692 registered users, of whom 3,274 submitted ideas. Members of the public also engaged with the Scottish Government by email and 136 emails received during the challenge were also included in the analysis.

Engagement by topic - topic tags, comments, and ratings

The following tables show the total number of comments and ratings for each 'topic tag,' ordered by chapter and sub-themes within the report. This is to provide a sense of the level of engagement around different topics across the report.

'Topic tags' were assigned by researchers and moderators to the idea threads created by contributors (for example, if a contributor raised an idea about dental health, the tag 'dental health' would be applied). These 'tags' formed the basis of a thematic coding framework which allowed researchers to structure an analysis of the responses.

These figures, detailing the number of comments and ratings by 'tag,' offer a high-level outline of the scale of discussion and engagement for individual subjects. For example, they can be used to demonstrate that high numbers of respondents engaged - via either a written comment or rating (out of 5 stars) - with subjects of 'outdoor activities,' 'social contact,' and 'business re-opening.'

Note: As 'topic tags' were used to code idea threads by theme only, the values in these tables cannot be used to gauge any sense of agreement or disagreement on a particular subject. The values in this table can be interpreted to gauge the scale of engagement alone.

When an ideas thread contained a number of different concepts, multiple 'topic tags' were applied by researchers to the same thread (for example, an ideas thread which contained a multi-theme discussion could be assigned tags on 'exercise,' 'mental health' and 'social contact' at the same time).

As a result, the number of comments and ratings per 'topic tag' provided in this set of tables should not be added together to identify overall numbers of engagement by theme.

4. The Scottish Government's approach to the pandemic
Sub-theme Topic tag Total comments Total ratings
How lockdown should be lifted 'lockdown restrictions' 74 201
'maintain lockdown' 119 298
'herd immunity' 21 46
'exit strategy' 877 2,352
'phased lockdown removal' 55 136
'r number' 355 764
'timeline' 357 280
'transition/transition arrangements' 23 60
'transparency' 169 405
'tourism' 146 262
Divergence with UK approach 'SG approach' 760 1,840
'devolved administrations' 192 461
'border control' 344 693
'UK Government' 550 1,190
Regional variation 'regional variation' 502 1,047
Official communications 'official communications' 657 1,079
Evidence base 'evidence base' 761 1,170
'expert advice/expert input ' 49 120
'science community/scientific community/scientific advice' 48 155
5. Future changes to advice about staying at home
Sub-theme Topic tag Total comments Total ratings
Allowing socially distanced outdoor sports 'exercise' 1,959 4,168
'outdoor activities' 3,232 6,868
'individual sport' 39 92
'organised sport' 63 189
'golf' 863 2,092
'fishing' 39 101
'horse riding' 0 5
'water sports' 135 305
'tennis' 19 68
Use of parks and outdoor spaces 'park/parks' 9 23
Travel 'travel' 971 2,634
'travel restrictions' 1,139 1,739
'island travel' 169 290
'plane travel' 24 55
Face Masks 'face masks' 773 1,161
Reopening places of worship 'places of worship re-opening' 45 117
Reopening garden centres 'garden centres' 16 65
Allowing travel to second homes 'holiday provision' 64 156
'second homes' 221 484
'caravan' 245 493
6. Changes to advice about visiting other households
Sub-theme Topic tag Total comments Total ratings
Social contact 'social restrictions' 1,375 3,042
'social contact' 2,136 4,553
'social distancing' 1,126 2,731
'physical distancing' 790 2,021
'single-person households' 157 390
'single person households' 9 44
'responsible adults' 678 913
'loneliness' 529 1,142
'freedom' 189 487
'mass gathering/mass gatherings' 47 106
At risk groups 'at risk/at risk groups' 233 488
'age' 216 484
'disability' 33 111
'vulnerable groups' 1,006 1,254
Shielded group 'shielding' 239 611
7. Options for resuming care and support for those most affected by the current restrictions
Sub-theme Topic tag Total comments Total ratings
Wider health impact of living in the lockdown and Wider health services 'mental health' 2,670 6,446
'wider health' 33 111
'dental care' 1,006 1,254
'NHS Capacity' 239 611
'hospital response'/'hospitals response' 49 155
'health sector response' 15 35
'reopen hospitals' 15 42
Care homes 'care homes' 114 286
8. Changes affecting business that have been subject to restrictions or closure
Sub-theme Topic tag Total comments Total ratings
Practical step on reopening businesses 'businesses re-opening'/'business re-opening' 2,439 5,144
Support to workers and businesses 'business support' 220 601
'social security' 89 238
'furlough' 92 308
'key workers' 154 404
'unemployment' 28 106
'economic uncertainty' 407 462
'employment law' 395 325
'basic income' 84 260
'migrant workforce' 0 10
Views on support by industry 'personal services' 45 102
'hairdressers' 39 80
'pets'/'dog grooming' 112 252
'hospitality' 164 370
'caravan sites' 245 493
'pubs' 14 34
'construction sites' 114 390
'retail' 49 149
'supermarkets' 21 53
'garden centres' 16 65
'public transport' 224 593
'tourism' 181 324
'housing' 140 440
9. Future options for allowing pupils to return to school
Sub-theme Topic tag Total comments Total ratings
When pupils should return to school and How schools should look when pupils return 'schools' 299 705
'schools re-opening'/'schools returning' 2,064 2,979
'school holidays' 35 78
'repeat year' 38 88
Support for children learning from home 'home schooling' 56 113
'on-line teaching' 1 3
Early years education 'pre-school' 111 258
'under 10s' 6 14
'childcare' 192 566
Impact of school closures on children and Financial impact of schools and nursery closures 'school closures' 44 87
'vulnerable children' 53 160
'exam level pupils' 1 14
10. Compliance, enforcement, and policing
Sub-theme Topic tag Total comments Total ratings
Tougher restrictions and policing 'compliance' 1,020 1,566
'enforcement' 1,064 1,605
Maintaining rights and freedoms 'civil liberties' 193 371
'human rights' 40 120
'responsible adults' 678 913
'acceptable risk' 61 223
'freedom' 189 487
Maintaining public trust 'public trust' 305 732
Business compliance 'business compliance' 34 121
11. Test, Trace, Isolate, and Support ( TTI)
Sub-theme Topic tag Total comments Total ratings
TTI 'tti' 837 1,541
'test'/'testing'/'testing initiatives' 340 887
12. Environment impacts
Sub-theme Topic tag Total comments Total ratings
Waste Management 'waste management' 212 884
Climate Change 'climate impacts' 94 333
'sustainability' 200 594
13. Renew - a fairer and more sustainable Scotland beyond Coronavirus ( COVID-19)
Sub-theme Topic tag Total comments Total ratings
Public Health 'Public hygiene' 38 75
City planning and transport 'travel' 922 2,441
'plane travel' 24 55
'island travel 162 277
'travel restrictions' 423 1055
'traffic' 70 206
'public transport' 203 523
Business norms and support 'home working' 173 592
'business support' 199 549
Tourism 'skills offer' 2 8
'tourism' 146 262
Education 'repeat year' 38 88
Wealth inequality 'income' 85 282
'social security' 13 38
'basic income' 83 251
'tax' 54 156
Environmental policy 'climate impact' 94 333
'sustainability' 200 594



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