
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Phase 1: Scotland’s route map update

Updated Route Map table to reflect the move to Phase 1 in Scotland's route map through and out of the crisis.


View an easy read version of this update.

Our Route map through and out of the crisis[1] was published on 21 May and provides an indication of the order in which we will carefully and gradually seek to lift restrictions across four phases.

On 28 May the First Minister confirmed that we have seen sufficient progress in suppressing the virus to enable us to move from the Lockdown to Phase 1. We have today published the evidence supporting that assessment.

The Route map table sets out, in summary form, the changes we plan to make in each phase. It does not seek to show every aspect that we know will be of concern to people. Specific concerns will often be addressed in the supporting guidance:

The COVID crisis is inherently uncertain and complex, and our understanding of it will evolve. When we published the Route map, we said that it would be consultative and dynamic, responding to shifting evidence on both the epidemic and our responses to it. This publication provides an updated annex to the original route map to reflect the move to Phase 1.

Changes to elements within the Route map – for example, moving specific changes forwards or backwards through the phases – will continue to be considered. Having reviewed the evidence since publication and feedback to date, the Scottish Government has decided not to make changes to the Route Map at this stage, beyond recording the move to Phase 1. In future, for transparency, we will document any substantive changes to the Route map in updates like this one.

It should be emphasized that continued progress through the phases of the Route map will depend on compliance with the rules set out in each phase. It is only through continued compliance that we will achieve the progress required to meet the criteria for the next phase of easing restrictions. Weaker compliance may require us to delay the next phase or tighten restrictions.

Scottish Government
29 May 2020



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