Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for laboratories and research facilities: BRIA

Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) for the introduction of, and subsequent 3 weekly reviews of, the COVID-19 Scottish Government (SG) Guidance for laboratories and research facilities (published 29 June 2020).


Due to the unusual and unprecedented circumstances of the current health crisis, and the need to provide guidance to the sector at pace, it has not been possible to conduct the usual level of consultation that would normally take place.

However, it should be noted that the development of the guidance has been informed by constructive input from the internal SG working group and a wide range of stakeholders involved in laboratories and research facilities, in order to agree a route forward to prepare for re-opening and safe working. Those involved include universities, industry bodies, research institutes and trade unions. The guidance has also been reviewed by Health Protection Scotland and SGLD and reflects their recommendations, as well as relevant policy leads.

Within Government

  • Policy leads across Directorate for Advanced Learning and Science
  • Exit Team
  • Equalities Team
  • Safer Workplaces Team
  • SG policy leads from Marine Science Scotland and RESAS
  • SG policy leads from Innovation and Life Sciences
  • Analytical colleagues
  • Health Protection Scotland
  • SGLD

Public Consultation

  • None

Due to the necessity of the pace of which this guidance has had to be released during this emergency, no public consultation has been carried out.

Guidance has been published online with a facility for members of the public to issue comments to a Scottish Government mailbox.

An Equality Impact Assessment consultation is being conducted with those involved with the development of the guidance. The findings may impact this BRIA.

Other Partners

  • This guidance has been developed in collaboration with industry and trade unions on the basis that both have essential roles to play in planning for restart.
  • Universities Scotland (representative body of Scotland's 19 higher education institutions) also played a key role in developing the guidance.
  • We have worked with employers and trade unions from universities and the life sciences and other science-related sectors to ensure that this guidance is evidence-based, fair and ethical, clear and realistic.
  • SFC also reviewed the guidance and provided input.

There is a legal requirement to conduct a review of restrictions, every 21 days, in accordance with section 2(2) of the Health Protection (Coronavirus (Restrictions)(Scotland) Regulations 2020.



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