
Coronavirus (COVID-19): international development funding

Information about funding made available from the International Development Fund (IDF) and the Humanitarian Emergency Fund (HEF) during the coronavirus pandemic.

COVID-19 has had an effect on the existing work of our programme since March 2020. We have tried to mitigate the effects of that on our project partners, including by approving additional funding where we were able to do so and by allowing projects to pivot spend in order to prevent COVID-19. In total, we have made available £2,991,594 from the International Development Fund (IDF) and the Humanitarian Emergency Fund (HEF).

Additional COVID-19 project spend

We provided £2,611,690 of support from the IDF towards new initiatives to respond to COVID-19 in our partner countries of Malawi, Rwanda, Zambia and Pakistan.






First Aid Africa


Oxygen and oxygen plant facility installed at Chitambo hospital, Central Province, with provision for all clinics and health centres in the surrounding area.



First Aid Africa


Renewable Energy Solutions for Zambia at six health centres or hospitals will have off-grid solar systems installed to ensure reliable access to electricity.



Strathclyde University


Power Resilience for Health Centres in Malawi:

Targeted: deployment of back-up solar PV systems in 4-6 rural hospitals in N Malawi.




Strathclyde University


Cover costs of pro-bono engineering resource (transport, spares, etc.) of offered engineering support by Malawian engineers.



College of Medicine


Enhancement of Immunophenotyping and Genomic Sequencing Capacity in Malawi at the College of Medicine (vaccine work).


Made up of £100,000 of new funding and £100,00 transferred from Governance project underspend.

College of Medicine


COVID-19 Test kits.



British Council Pakistan


IT Resilience and Support for Scotland Pakistan Scholarships for Young Women and Girls.




Malawi, Rwanda and Zambia

Assist with their in-country COVID-19 response.



Kids OR


Provision of the disposable accessories (Filters, Face Masks and Canulas) required to make safe use of 30 Oxygen Concentrators.







Project COVID-19 pivoted spend

We have also provided financial support in response to COVID-19 to projects within our current IDF programmes. This financial support has been either re-profiled project underspend or additional funding (supplemented by returned project underspend at the start of the financial year).

Malawi Development Programme

Project Name


Total funding


MalDent – Oral Health Project at the Malawi College of Medicine

University of Glasgow

£53,000 - £20,000 re-profiled underspend and £33,000 additional funds.

To purchase digital devices and data bundles at the College of Medicine to facilitate remote teaching/learning.

MALSCOT - ‘Moving towards sustainability: strengthening rural health facilities, to support roll-out of cervical cancer ‘screen and treat’ services across Malawi’

University of Edinburgh

£5,600 re-profiled underspend

Total of £4,000 to purchase PPE for staff to deliver cervical cancer screening safely. £1,600 to pay for the installation of new electrical water Pumps at the health centre in Thekerani. This will support with WASH efforts at the Health centre.

Community action and service access for maternal, newborn and child health

St John Scotland

£13,800 additional funds

PPE to enable volunteers to continue delivering the project safely

Access to Justice

Chance for Change

£3,788 re-profiled underspend

To cover additional medical costs of inmates as a result of COVID -19.

EASE – Energy Access through Social Enterprise and Decentralisation

University of Strathclyde

£1,750 re-profiled underspend

To purchase ICT equipment to enable remote delivery of the project, including remote training for the installation of the solar energy micro-grids.





Rwanda Development Programme

Project Name


Total funding


SaveAbility Socio-Economic Empowerment of People with Disabilities in Rwanda

Christian Blind Mission


To provide increased access to phone and internet, accessible information about COVID-19 to people with disabilities, such as producing information in braille.

Supporting and protecting members of VSLA during the pandemic, such as providing transport costs to hospital for some of the poorest families.

Social Practices Approach to Literacy

University of Aberdeen


Masks, soap and handwashing facilities.

Sustainable Economic and Agricultural Development Project (SEAD)



Installation of handwashing stations, purchase of hand washing soaps, purchase/hiring of megaphones, cost-adjustment for hiring of training halls to enable the delivery of project activities in adherence to COVID-19 prevention measures

Coffee Market Building for Peace and Prosperity Project

Challenges Worldwide


To provide bespoke support to each coffee cooperative whose operations and market access have been impacted by COVID-19. Sector specialists will provide tailored advice on financial analysis, break points, production costs, sales price negotiations, facilitating introductions and negotiations with buyers.  It will also be used to build resilience over the coming months as restrictions continue.





Zambia Development Programme

Project Name


Total funding


Making Agriculture A Business

Christian Aid

£6,600 re-profiled underspend

COVID-19 mitigation measures – PPE, hand-washing equipment etc.

Mobile technology to enable remote working.

First Aid and Renewable Energy Solutions For Communities In Zambia's Central Province

First Aid Africa

£25,000 re-profiled underspend

Match-funded through BCCET to provide private sector support towards Zambia’s COVID-19 response. Supplied PPE and oxygen for distribution through Ministry of Health.





​​​​​​​Humanitarian Emergency Fund COVID-19 spend

The purpose of our Humanitarian Emergency Fund is to provide effective assistance to reduce the threat to life and wellbeing of a large number of a population faced with a humanitarian emergency. In 2020-21, £240,000 of support from this fund went towards COVID-19 response efforts for vulnerable communities.






Disasters Emergency Committee

Syria, Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan, Afghanistan, DRC, Rohingya Refugees

Support an emergency response to the COVID-19 crisis, focused on vulnerable displaced communities and refugees.



Mission Aviation Fellowship

South Sudan

Support an emergency response to the COVID-19 crisis, focused on vulnerable communities.



Mercy Corps


Support an emergency response to the COVID-19 crisis, focused on vulnerable communities.





Support an emergency response to the COVID-19 crisis, focused on vulnerable communities.






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