Coronavirus (COVID-19): Justice Analytical Services Data Report - December 2020

Seventh release of a monthly data report on how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the justice system in Scotland, including information from Police Scotland, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service, and Scottish Prison Service.

Remand Arrivals

There were 717 un-sentenced arrivals to prison with known offence types in December, awaiting trial or sentencing for the following alleged offences

Bar chart showing the number of remand arrivals by offence type, with the highest number of arrivals (untried or awaiting sentence) for crimes against public justice.

Note: Double-counting may occur where an individual is absent from prison for a night in the week and then returns. Where an individual has multiple alleged offence types, the offence towards the top of the list in the chart is used as the index offence.

Revision: The way index offences are identified for remand prisoners has changed. Offences are now prioritised on the basis of average sentence length from Criminal Proceedings 2018-19. This has increased the proportion where Common Assault, Drugs or Handling Offensive Weapons is the index offence. It has reduced the number of remanded individuals for whom Crimes Against Public Justice and Vandalism are the index offences

Further Information:

Latest published annual prison population statistics can be found here:



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