Coronavirus (COVID-19): Justice Analytical Services Data Report - July 2021

Monthly data report on how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the justice system in Scotland, including information from Police Scotland, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service, and Scottish Prison Service.

Criminal Disposals

In July 2021 there were 6,092 disposals (excluding secondary disposals and the 'other' disposal category) from Scotland's courts. This is 84% of the 19-20 monthly average of 7,277 and 4% higher than June 2021.

Between April 2020 and July 2021 there were 47,517 (41%) fewer disposals than would have been expected based on 19-20 average figures. Over this time period, there have been 34% fewer custodial sentences and 44% fewer community disposals imposed by the courts than might have been expected.

To: 31 July 2021 Monthly average 2019-20 July 2021 Change % Estimated* April 2020 – July 2021 Actual April 2020 – July 2021 Change %
Imprisonment 1,010 665 -34% 16,167 10,609 -34%
Community Disposal (CPO & DTTO) 1,383 1,083 -22% 22,133 12,458 -44%
Restriction of Liberty Order 296 317 +7% 4,740 3,891 -18%
Fine etc. 3,105 2,797 -10% 49,684 26,066 -48%
Admonished/ Discharged 1,482 1,230 -17% 23,705 15,888 -33%

* based on 19-20 monthly average disposals

Disposals from court at any point in time are related both to the volume of business coming into courts and the length of time it takes that business to proceed through the court system. Therefore, changes in crime levels or the ability of courts to function in the usual way may have associated impacts on disposals.

Further Information:

See latest SCTS published official statistics.



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