School placing requests and appeal hearings - temporary arrangements: guidance for local authorities

Guidance on temporary amendments to appeals processes for placing requests, placing requests for pupils with additional support needs and exclusions.


Making a decision on an appeal based on written submissions only

Appeal committees must also exercise their own judgement in the circumstances of any particular appeal being considered. This is to determine that the approach ensures the parties are able to fully and effectively present their case and allows the committee to make a decision which is fair and transparent.

Appeal committees may wish to consider incorporating the following principles when developing a process based solely on written submissions

  • written submissions should be provided to the appeal committee preferably by email but, where this is not possible, by post
  • clear deadlines should be set for both parties to submit their arguments and evidence
  • copies of submissions/appeals should be sent to both parties, and they should be given the opportunity to comment/respond to points that are made within set deadlines
  • committees should bear in mind that appellants, in particular, may be less familiar with the kind of information and arguments that are required, and may have less experience preparing written submissions
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