
Coronavirus (COVID-19) building standards special measures - temporary care assistance buildings: letter - 30 September 2022

Letter from Shona Robison MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government, to local authorities regarding the withdrawal of building standards special measures guidance on 30 September 2022.

The details outlined in this letter are no longer in force.

11 March 2022

Dear Chief Executive

Verification - Continuation of special measures guidance during COVID-19 
Temporary care assistance buildings as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak

Following on from my last letter of 21 October 2021 where I provided an update and consolidated the guidance for special measures during the COVID-19 period. I am writing to remind you that the guidance will be withdrawn on 30 September 2022.

The guidance issued addresses the challenges presented by the pandemic that need a pragmatic and flexible approach in the way that building standards are currently delivered. It is important that on the run up to the deadline of 30 September 2022, there will be stakeholders with buildings, and health boards with healthcare buildings that will now need a building warrant from this date.

In relation to health care buildings, Health Facilities Scotland will be writing to Health Boards to remind them of the deadline, and ask them to consider if the current temporary buildings / conversions are to become part of the Health Boards permanent service delivery. In such cases these should be discussed with the local authority verifier as to how such situations can be formalised.

Other areas covered by the guidance include temporary structures used in hospitality, duration of warrant, occupation of buildings and remote verification inspection.  We would, however, expect that the use of remote verification inspection would continue where it is appropriate to do so and further work is underway that will result in permanent guidance on this area.

I would also expect that building standards verifiers would, if requested, provide professional advice to assist in these situations if at all possible, and would appreciate your assistance in such cases.

Officials from Building Standards Division at Scottish Government will be available to respond to any queries that may arise, contact in the first instance should be via Stephen Garvin, Head of Building Standards Division (07836 504 781,


Yours sincerely


Shona Robison

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