Coronavirus (COVID-19): state of the epidemic - 14 April 2022

This report brings together the different sources of evidence and data about the Covid epidemic to summarise the current situation, why we are at that place, and what is likely to happen next.

Situation by Local Authority within Scotland

In the week leading up to 9 April 2022, Shetland Islands had the highest combined PCR and LFD weekly case rate by specimen date, reporting 1,509 cases per 100,000 population. Orkney Islands had the lowest weekly combined LFD and PCR case rate in the same time period, reporting 540 cases per 100,000. The total combined LFD and PCR weekly case rates by specimen date per 100,000 had increased in one local authority (Shetland Islands) in the week leading up to 9 April 2022 compared with the weekly case rate leading up to 2 April 2022, while the other 31 local authorities saw a decrease in the same period (Figure 14)[77].

Figure 14: Weekly total LFD or PCR case rates (including reinfections) per 100,000 people in Local Authorities across Scotland on 9 April 2022 by specimen date [78].

one colour coded map showing positive LFD and PCR weekly cases per 100,000 people by specimen date in each local authority in Scotland on 9 April 2022. The map ranges from grey for under 100 weekly cases per 100,000, through very light blue for 100-500, blue for 500-750, darker blue for 750-1,000, and very dark blue for over 1,000 weekly cases per 100,000 people.

Projections of the number of cases per 100,000 population are not published in the Modelling the Epidemic report this week. This analysis indicated which local authorities are likely to experience high levels of Covid-19 in two weeks’ time. As a result of changes to widespread population testing the projections of numbers of positive tests are now much less useful for tracking the progression of the disease in Scotland.



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