
Coronavirus (COVID-19): state of the epidemic - 5 March 2021

Brings together the different sources of evidence and data about the covid epidemic to summarise the current situation, why we are at that place, and what is likely to happen next.

Situation by local authority within Scotland

Falkirk currently has the highest case rates in Scotland with 144 weekly cases being reported per 100,000 in the week to 1 March. This is a decrease of 35% in the week 22 Feb – 1 Mar4. There remains high levels of cases across large areas of Scotland (Figure 4). The only Local Authorities which have recorded an increase in cases per 100,000 over the past week are Aberdeen, Dundee, and Inverclyde. Case rates have fallen or remained stable in most other parts of Scotland. Over the past week the case rate per 100,000 has remained at 0 in Orkney and Shetland4.

Figure 4. Map of weekly new positive cases per 100,000 people in Scotland
This colour coded map of Scotland shows the different rates of weekly positive cases per 100,000 across Scotland’s Local Authorities. The colours range from green with under 1 weekly case, through light blue with 1 – 20 weekly cases, dark blue 20-50 weekly cases,  purple 50-150 weekly cases and red with over 150 weekly cases per 100,000.  Orkney and Shetland are the only Local Authorities which are showing as green, while there are now no areas in Scotland showing as red. Falkirk currently has the highest case rate in Scotland with 144 weekly cases being reported per 100,000 in the week to 1 March. All other Local Authorities areas are showing as light blue or dark blue or purple.



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