
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Strategic Framework: Business Support Funding Statistics and other local authority support schemes - data to 25 June 2021

Figures on the Local Authority Administered funding that has been made available to businesses affected by the COVID-19 restrictions under the Strategic Framework, from 2 November to the most current data and revision available on the 25 of June.

Figures on the Local Authority Administered funding that has been made available to businesses affected by the COVID-19 restrictions under the Strategic Framework, from 2 November to the most current data and revision available on the 25 of June.

Information includes funds paid out under the ‘Temporary Closure Fund’ and  ‘Business Restrictions Fund’, as well as information on the ‘SFBF Transitional payments’ and ‘Restart Grants’ and ‘Local Restrictions Funds’.

Additional information is included on various Local Authority administered support funds: ‘Hospitality, Retail and Leisure top-up funds’, Island Equivalent Payments’, ‘Island Equivalent Payments Top Up’, Local Authority Discretionary Fund’, ‘Contingency Plus Fund’, ‘Exclusive Use and Large Self Catering Grant’, ‘Small Accommodation Providers paying Council Tax Fund (SAP-CTF) – Wave 1, 2 and 3’, ‘Taxi and Private Hire Driver Support Fund’, ‘Taxi and Private Hire Driver and Operators Fund’ and the ‘Top Up Payments To Licensed Bingo Clubs And Casinos Fund’.

Correction: The published value for North Ayrshire’s ‘Hospitality, Retail and Leisure Top Up Fund’ is incorrect, due to an error in the data provided. The correct value is £5,429,000 paid to 817 premises. The grand total for this fund is now £234,301,500 paid to 33,388 premises. The values have been corrected in the excel tables file attached to this webpage. The attached pdf publication will be updated at a later date.

Correction: The data that Orkney Islands Council originally reported, incorrectly included the Island Equivalent Payments (IEP) Top-Up in the funds for the original IEP scheme. The values for the IEP will therefore be too high in the text of the publication. The issue has been rectified in the attached excel tables. This correction changes the IEP total from  £8,644,700 to £7,653,700

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