
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Strategic Framework: Business Support Funding Statistics (Tranche 5) and other local authority support schemes

Figures on the funding that has been made available to businesses affected by the COVID-19 restrictions under the Strategic Framework, from 2 November to 22 March.

Figures on the funding that has been made available to businesses affected by the COVID-19 restrictions under the Strategic Framework, from 2 November to 22 March. Information includes funds paid out under the ‘Temporary Closure Fund’ and  ‘Business Restrictions Fund’. Additional information is included on various Local Authority administered support funds: ‘Hospitality, Retail and Leisure top-up funds’, Island Equivalent Payments’, ‘Island Equivalent Payments Top Up’, Local Authority Discretionary Fund’, ‘Contingency Plus Fund’, ‘Exclusive Use and Large Self Catering Grant’, ‘Small Accommodation Providers paying Council Tax Fund (SAP-CTF) – Wave 1 and 2’ and the ‘Taxi and Private Hire Driver Support Fund’.

Erratum: Orkney has informed us of a small error in their SAPCTF Wave 1 payments reporting too late to accommodate in this publication. The figure for Orkney for amount paid to small accommodation providers paying council tax fund (table 14) should have been 9 premises and a total of £54,000 instead of 9 premises and a total of £ 27,000. This will be corrected in the next publication.

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