Coronavirus (COVID-19): trends in daily data

Past data and trend charts for the daily updates on COVID-19.

This page includes the COVID-19 daily data published by the Scottish Government from March 2020 until April 2022, which is no longer being updated here. The latest headline COVID-19 data, including time series data, can now be sourced from Public Health Scotland’s (PHS) COVID-19 Daily Dashboard and the PHS open datasets. Further information on other sources of COVID-19 data and where to access can be found on the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 data signposting page.

The trends in the excel files below show the numbers that were previously reported on this website. The number of COVID-19 cases before 14 June does not include results obtained through UK Government (UKG) testing routes, as these were unavailable. The Public Health Scotland dashboard provides a full time series of cases based on the date that people took their first test with a positive result, for NHS and UKG tests combined.

Data available to download below includes: 

  • number of people tested, and number positive and negative
  • number of people who have died and tested positive
  • number of people in ICU with confirmed COVID-19
  • number of people in hospital with confirmed COVID-19
  • delayed discharges
  • NHS staff absence related to COVID-19
  • number of care homes notifying cases of COVID-19 to date
  • number of suspected cases of COVID-19 in care homes
  • school attendance and absence for COVID-19 related reasons and other reasons
  • number of people who have received the COVID-19 vaccination
Trends in daily COVID-19 data: 23 July 2020 onwards
COVID-19 data by NHS Board: 8 April 2022
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