
Coronavirus (COVID-19): vaccine deployment plan: update - July 2021

Update to the March 2021 plan, providing an overview of our progress and outlining next steps in the vaccination programme.

Making sure the vaccination programme is inclusive

It is vital our current COVID-19 vaccination programme is designed to reach everyone and no-one is left behind, to protect individuals and the wider population. 

To achieve this, we have embedded inclusion as a key aspect of our national COVID-19 vaccination programme, working alongside partners to respond to evidence of low uptake in certain communities. In order for this to be a success, inclusion and equalities has been at the heart of our planning across the entire programme, at both local and national level.

We continue to gather and share insights on vaccination uptake and reasons for hesitancy and work with Health Boards, faith and community groups and the third sector to find new approaches and solutions. We have therefore established and used feedback from the National Inclusive Steering Group, the Expert Reference Group on Ethnicity and COVID-19, and an analysis of the newly published PHS data on ethnicity, deprivation and levels of COVID-19 vaccination uptake to inform delivery.

Ongoing work to respond to the insights gathered has included:

  • tailored messaging co-produced with and delivered by faith representatives from ethnic minority communities such as Black, Asian, Polish, and other minority communities
  • PHS’s COVID-19 vaccine ‘Statement of Facts’ prepared in partnership with the Scottish Refugee Council, including films of community representatives reading them in their own languages circulated
  • information sessions and resources circulated around Ramadan to provide advice to those who were fasting and concerned about taking up the offer of the vaccine
  • resources produced and a recorded Q&A session with the National Clinical Director for those in prison and on remand to provide them with information about the programme
  • outreach undertaken to engage with Gypsy/Travellers, those experiencing homelessness, seasonal migrant workers and seafarers who may not otherwise be able to access the programme; and
  • a dedicated and supportive pathway to access vaccinations for those with learning disabilities

Our approach to national communications has also evolved so more people are able to engage with the programme. Currently, information is available in over 20 languages on NHS Inform, with other formats also available such as easy-read, British Sign Language (BSL) and audio. We introduced a QR code on all vaccination appointment letters which takes people to this information so they are fully informed ahead of their vaccine. Furthermore, our new vaccine explainer video, informed by third sector and community partners, provides information and answers common questions people may have, for example whether the vaccines are halal. It is available in a range of languages, including BSL. We continue to work with partners to develop our materials, adding new translations and assets where required, to ensure our information is accessible and suitable for everyone.

We have adapted our engagement and delivery models which has included using mobile units to reach those in remote and rural areas, including many of those in under-served communities. See the section on workforce and facilities for further information.

The high-level of vaccine uptake so far has only been possible due to the dedication of a range of partners. As we move into future programmes, we will continue to ensure everyone is included, especially those less likely to consider vaccination, and those most at risk.

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