Coronavirus (Extension and Expiry) (Scotland) Bill: equality impact assessment

Result of the equality impact assessment (EQIA) carried out to consider the impact of the provisions contained in the Coronavirus (Extension and Expiry)(Scotland) Bill.


1. Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance - (

2. The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Local Levels) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 21) Regulations 2021

3. Coronavirus (COVID-19) protection levels: what you can do - (

4. Coronavirus Act 2020 - Schedule 19 - Health Protection Regulations: Scotland

5. Coronavirus (COVID-19): framework for decision making - (

6. Coronavirus (COVID-19): Scotland's Strategic Framework - (

7. Coronavirus (COVID-19): Strategic Framework update - February 2021 - (

8. Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance - (

9. Coronavirus (COVID-19) protection levels: what you can do - (

10. The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Local Levels) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 21) Regulations 2021

11. Money Advice Service: Indebted lives: The complexities of life in debt (November 2013)

12. Peter Wyman: Review of debt advice funding (2018)

13. Money-and-Mental-Health-Annual-Review-2018-19.pdf

14. The Children's Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Rules of Procedure in Children's Hearings) Amendment Rules 2021 - Impact assessments

15. DWP Stat-Xplore

16. Ibid.

17. Social Security Scotland statistics (23 February 2021)

18. Scottish Government (2017) Scottish Health Survey 2016

19. Births, Deaths and Other Vital Events - Quarterly Figures | National Records of Scotland (

20. List of Data Tables | National Records of Scotland (

21. List of Data Tables | National Records of Scotland (

22. List of Data Tables | National Records of Scotland (

23. Births, Deaths and Other Vital Events - Quarterly Figures | National Records of Scotland (

24. List of Data Tables | National Records of Scotland (

25. Money Advice Service: Indebted lives: The complexities of life in debt (November 2013)

26. Peter Wyman: Review of Debt Advice Funding (2018)

27. Money-and-Mental-Health-Annual-Review-2018-19.pdf

28. Though this impact is likely to be limited in practice as the principal purpose of the provision is as an administrative measure to avoid the need for applications to be made by COPFS to the courts to extend time limits on a case-by-case basis. As such, in many cases, it is not expected that the provisions will directly affect the length of time it takes for a person's case to be determined.

29. Money Advice Service: Indebted lives: The complexities of life in debt (November 2013)

30. Peter_Wyman_Review_of_Debt_Advice_Funding_2018 (1).pdf



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