
Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Bill: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) for the Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Bill.

9. How will you communicate to children and young people the impact of the policy/measure on their rights?

Modifications of the Public Health etc. (Scotland) Act 2008

Communications will be driven by the nature of the threat and proposed responses, but any strategy would take into account the needs of children and young people.

Arrangements for vaccination and immunisation

As there are no changes to children and young people's rights, there will be no changes to the existing communications made to children and young people, as well as their parents and/or guardians, regarding their childhood vaccinations.

Educational establishments etc.

The Scottish Government plans to continue to engage with children and young people during the progress of the Bill through Parliament and use of the powers during the remainder of the current pandemic.

School consultations

The Scottish Government is considering whether to update its guide for parents so that it is also applicable to children and their role in the 2010 Act consultation process, in relation to these specific measures set out in the Bill. In doing so the Scottish Government will also consider how to make sure its guides and published information are accessible to children and young people.

Registration of births

Local authorities and NRS will publish information for informants, including informants under 18, on how remote birth registration will work.

Registration of deaths

Local authorities and NRS will publish information for all informants on how remote death registration will work.

Bankruptcy: meaning of "qualified creditor" and "qualified creditors"

The measure only has an indirect impact on children and young people and therefore direct communication of the measure to children and young people is not required.

Legal aid and advice: Claim for interim payment of fees and outlays

The Scottish Legal Aid Board will provide guidance to legal aid providers.

Mental health: removal of need for witnessing of signature of nominated person

As there are no direct changes to children and young people's rights, there will be no direct communication of the measure to children and young people; however, revised guidance regarding the "named persons" role will be available on the Scottish Government website.

Removal of mandatory eviction groundsandPre-action protocol in respect of evictions relating to rent arrears

Information on the Bill will be available on the Scottish Government website and advice agencies such as Shelter Scotland and Citizens Advice Scotland include housing advice for students and young people on their websites.



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