
Corporate Board gifts and hospitality: January to June 2019

Information about gifts and hospitality received by members of the Corporate Board (formerly Executive Board).

Person Name Date offered (DD-MON-YYYY) Directorate General Name of organisation of donor What is the estimated value? Description Circumstances in which the gift/hospitality was offered
Evans, Ms Leslie Elizabeth 27/06/2019 PERMANENT SECRETARY Traverse Theatre £15 - £30 Tickets for The Patient Gloria Theatre Show Perm Sec is a friend of the theatre
Stafford, Ms Alyson Jane 08/01/2019 DIRECTOR-GENERAL SCOTTISH EXCHEQUER David Hume Institute £15 - £30 Dinner engagement Invited by David Hume Institute to talk on Scotland’s Evolving Fiscal Landscape  along with the Chair of the Scottish Fiscal Commission and the Head of the UK Office of Budget Responsibility. The evening seminar was followed by dinner 
Stafford, Ms Alyson Jane 14/03/2019 DIRECTOR-GENERAL SCOTTISH EXCHEQUER Deloittes Under £15 Bowl supper at Deloittes The Scottish Exchequer work with Deloittes to facilitate development opportunity for future Strategic Finance Leaders in Scotland. This evening engagement for new and alumni members included a ‘stand-up’ bowl supper.
Stafford, Ms Alyson Jane 21/03/2019 DIRECTOR-GENERAL SCOTTISH EXCHEQUER The Chartered Institute of Public and Finance & Accountancy Scotland Over £30 Conference package made up of entrance ticket and accommodation  Alyson regularly supports this event as it is the main gathering of financial professionals for the public sector in Scotland. Whilst she was not a speaker this year the organisers wished to facilitate the contact with this valuable network at a time when colleagues have so many challenges.   
Stafford, Ms Alyson Jane 26/04/2019 DIRECTOR-GENERAL SCOTTISH EXCHEQUER Dark Matters Over £30 Virtuous Economic Forum Weekend at Ardoch, Loch Lomond  A weekend to work with others on the National Performance Framework in the context of global challenges. Two nights accommodation and meals provided.   
Wright, Mr Malcolm 04/02/2019 DIRECTOR-GENERAL HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Northern Ireland Health Confederation Over £30 Dinner and Accomodation Malcolm Wright sat on 4 nations panel representation for NHS Scotland
Wright, Mr Malcolm 18/02/2019 DIRECTOR-GENERAL HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE RCGP £15 - £30 Summer Reception  Invited following appointment as Interim DG 
Johnston, Mr Paul Ernest 27/06/2019 DIRECTOR-GENRAL EDUCATION, COMMUNITIES AND JUSTICE Hutchesons Grammer School £15 - £30 Lunch and cufflinks Paul spoke at the school Prizegiving and was offered a light lunch and cufflinks
Davidson, Ms Sarah 12/06/2019 DIRECTOR-GENERAL, ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATIONS DRAX £15 - £30 Private room hire and wine Sarah attended a Whitehall Industry Group (WIG) reunion dinner in London. One of the members of the WIG cohort was an employee of the energy company DRAX and it was DRAX that paid for the private room and the wine for the dinner. Sarah has no professional relationship with DRAX. 



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