
Corporate Board gifts and hospitality: January to March 2018

Information about gifts and hospitality received by members of the Corporate Board (Formerly Executive Board).

Person Name Directorate General Date offered (DD-MON-YYYY) Name of organisation of donor What is the estimated value? Description Circumstances in which the gift/hospitality was offered
Ditchburn, Ms Elizabeth DIRECTOR-GENERAL ECONOMY 21-Feb-18 Ernst and Young £15 - £30 Drinks reception to recognise the successful completion and launch of the SNIB implmentation plan An invitation to the advisory group and team members from EY, SFT, SE, SIB, etc to mark the completion of the team's efforts
Ditchburn, Ms Elizabeth DIRECTOR-GENERAL ECONOMY 02-Mar-18 Investing Women Over £30 Ambition and Growth AcceleratHER awards final and dinner at the Sheraton Hotel, Edinburgh Invitation from Investing Women to see the finals and awards having attended the semi finals
Evans, Ms Leslie PERMANENT SECRETARY 15-Feb-18 Met Office £15 - £30 Received an Umbrella Received an umbrella from the Met Office after visiting them on 15 February
Evans, Ms Leslie PERMANENT SECRETARY 08-Mar-18 Northern Ireland Chief Executives forum £15 - £30 Attended dinner with Northern Ireland Chief Executives forum for International Women's Day. Asked to be the speaker at the dinner on International Women's Day.
Evans, Ms Leslie PERMANENT SECRETARY 22-Mar-18 Institute for Inspiring Children's Futures £15 - £30 Attend IICF Board dinner on 22 March, part of 2 day Board event. Member of board so attended two day board meeting. The two day event included a dinner on the Thursday.
Gray, Mr Paul DIRECTOR-GENERAL HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE 26-Jan-18 Police Scotland Over £30 Police Scotland Burns Supper Formal Invitation
Stafford, Miss Alyson DIRECTOR-GENERAL SCOTTISH EXCHEQUER 15-Jan-18 Invitation from the Chair of SFT £15 - £30 Dinner with the Chair, former Chair, outgoing and incoming Chief Executive and Board of the Scottish Futures Trust (SFT) Dinner to thank outgoing Chief Executive and networking opportunity with SFT Board Members.
Stafford, Miss Alyson DIRECTOR-GENERAL SCOTTISH EXCHEQUER 15-Mar-18 CIPFA Over £30 CIPFA Scotland Annual Conference Conference, Hotel Accommodation and Conference Dinner in Glasgow. As Alyson Stafford was a guest speaker at the CIPFA conference the organisers waived the conference, conference dinner and hotel fees. This presented an opportunity for Alyson to address and engage with her professional network.



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