
Corporate Board gifts and hospitality: July to September 2018

Information about gifts and hospitality received by members of the Corporate Board (Formerly Executive Board).

Person Name Directorate General Date offered (DD-MON-YYYY) Name of organisation of donor What is the estimated value? Description Circumstances in which the gift/hospitality was offered
Davidson, Ms Sarah DIRECTOR-GENERAL ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATIONS 02-May-2018 Oracle £15 - £30 Working dinner and lunch - 2nd and 3rd May 2018 Dinner and discussion was hosted by a fellow participant on Whitehall and Industry Group Exchange Programme
Davidson, Ms Sarah DIRECTOR-GENERAL ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATIONS 06-Jun-2018 Ernst Young £15 - £30 SPSA Judges Dinner Dinner was sponsored by Ernst Young for all the Judges who participated in the Scottish Public Service Awards.
Davidson, Ms Sarah DIRECTOR-GENERAL ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATIONS 14-Jun-2018 Coalition of  Care and Support Providers £15 - £30 Guest of CCPS at Scottish Charity Awards Guest of Coalition of  Care and Support Providers at the Scottish Charity Awards.
Evans, Ms Leslie PERMANENT SECRETARY 17-Apr-2018 STUC £15 - £30 Attended STUC President's Annual Dinner Asked to attend annual dinner in order to engage with stakeholder and other guests.
Johnston, Mr Paul DIRECTOR-GENERAL EDUCATION, COMMUNITIES AND JUSTICE 24-Apr-2018 Police Scotland £15 - £30 Lunch paid for by Police Scotland Event at Tulliallan
Johnston, Mr Paul DIRECTOR-GENERAL EDUCATION, COMMUNITIES AND JUSTICE 04-Jun-2018 Ewan Hunter, Hunter Foundation Over £30 Facilitated conversation with Michelle Obama Ongoing work with the Hunter Foundation on public service leadership - co-funding of leadership programmes
Thomson, Mr Kenneth DIRECTOR-GENERAL CONSTITUTION AND EXTERNAL AFFAIRS 06-Jun-2018 Holyrood Magazine Over £30 SPSA Dinner A group dinner for judges



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