
Cost of Living Bill: research evidence summaries

Summarises some of the key research evidence which underpinned the development of the Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) Scotland Bill, which was introduced to the Scottish Parliament on 3 October 2022.


1 Healy, J. D. (2004), Housing, Fuel Poverty and Health

2 Liddell, C. and Morris, C. (2010) Fuel Poverty and Human Health: A review of recent evidence

3 Marmot M, Geddes I, Bloomer E, Allen J, Goldblatt P.(2011), The health impacts of cold homes and fuel poverty. Friends of the Earth/Marmot Review Team

4 PHE (2014), Local action on health inequalities: Fuel poverty and cold home-related health problems

5 BMJ (2022), Fuel poverty is intimately linked to poor health

6 Barrett C, Lee AR, Abrams EM, Mayell SJ, Hawcutt DB, Sinha IP(2022) Eat or heat: fuel poverty and childhood respiratory health. Lancet Respir Med;10:229.

7 Shelter England (2006), Chance of a lifetime - the impact of bad housing on children's lives

8 Scottish Government (2020), Lived experience of fuel poverty: evidence review

9 Scottish Government (2020), Lived experience of fuel poverty: research

10 Mould, R. and Baker, K.J., (2017), Documenting fuel poverty from the householders’ perspective

11 Green, M., (2007), Voices of people experiencing fuel poverty in Scotland

12 Pettingell, J. (2013), Winter Warmer Project

13 Scottish Government (2020), Scottish House Condition Survey 2019: Key Findings.

14 Scottish Government (2021), 2017-2019 Scottish House Condition Survey Local Authority Analysis.

15 University of Salford (2020), Reshaping health services and fuel poverty in the Outer Hebrides - Research and Innovation (

16 Scottish Government (2019), Fuel Poverty (Targets, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill: island communities impact assessment.

17 Scottish Government (2021), The cost of remoteness - reflecting higher living costs in remote rural Scotland when measuring fuel poverty: research report

18 Scottish Government (2021), Poverty in Rural Scotland: A Review of Evidence

19 CaCHE (2019) Housing Insecurity and Mental Health in Wales: An evidence review.

20 BMJ (2022), Fuel poverty is intimately linked to poor health

21 PHE(2014), Local action on health inequalities: Fuel poverty and cold home-related health problems

22 BMJ (2022), Fuel poverty is intimately linked to poor health

23 Scottish Government (2020), Lived experience of fuel poverty: evidence review - (

24 Scottish Government (2020), Research into the lived experience of fuel poverty in Scotland

25 Hulse, K. and Milligan, V. (2014), ‘Secure Occupancy: A New Framework for Analysing Security in Rental Housing’, Housing Studies, 29(5).

26 CaCHE (2019) Housing Insecurity and Mental Health in Wales: An evidence review.

27 JRF (2017), Poverty, evictions and forced moves.

28 Indigo House (2020), Wave 1 Landlord and Letting Agent Survey Findings

29 JRF (2013), The links between housing and poverty: an evidence review

30 Carnemolla, P., & Skinner, V. (2021), Outcomes Associated with Providing Secure, Stable, and Permanent Housing for People Who Have Been Homeless: An International Scoping Review

31 Desmond, M. & Gershenson, C. (2016), Housing and Employment Insecurity among the Working Poor

32 CaCHE(2021), Health and wellbeing in the private rented sector. Part 1: Literature review



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