
Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Bill: business regulatory impact assessment

Business and regulation impact assessment (BRIA) for the Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Bill and sets out how this legislation considers the impact on businesses including costs and benefits.


Within Government

There has been consultation within Scottish Government Directorates including Better Homes, More Homes, Higher Education and Science, Housing and Communities Analytical Division as well as with the Scottish Housing Regulator in order to inform the development of the Bill. The provisions contained within this Bill take account those discussions.

In addition, we have worked with Scottish Courts Services and the First Tier Tribunal (Housing and Property Chamber) and Rent Service Scotland on delivery of the changes to support delivery of the measures.

Public Consultation

Given the need to progress the measures in this Bill urgently, no formal public consultation has taken place. The measures in the Bill do reflect concerns highlighted by members of the public and Members of the Scottish Parliament. In addition, the 'New Deal for Tenants – Draft Strategy Consultation' undertaken earlier in the year has provided some insight into people's general views around the principle of rent controls (albeit in a different context) and the concerns of tenants, landlords and other stakeholders. Furthermore, consideration has been taken of the consultation on the Coronavirus Recovery and Reform (Scotland) Bill.


In order to respond as quickly as possible, formal consultation with business has not been undertaken although discussions have taken place with a range of key business stakeholders including social and private landlord representative bodies, letting agent representatives, judicial bodies, University accommodation providers and private student accommodation providers. Engagement with these bodies will continue as part of ongoing review of the measures once they come into force.



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