Council Tax Reduction in Scotland 2017-2018

This publication provides statistics on the Council Tax Reduction (CTR) scheme, which reduces the Council Tax liability of low income households in Scotland.

4. Chargeable dwellings and Council Tax Bands

Each chargeable dwelling in Scotland is placed in a Council Tax Band between A and H, depending on the market value of the property as at 1 st April 1991. Band A properties are liable for the lowest rates of Council Tax and Band H attract the highest rates.

Chart 12 shows the proportion of CTR claimants by Council Tax Band in March 2018, local authority level figures are provided in the supplementary tables. There are more CTR claimants in the lower bands, with just over two-fifths in Band A and only four per cent in Bands E to H. This will, in part, be attributable to the spread of dwellings across Council Tax Bands – around three-quarters of chargeable dwellings are in Bands A to D.

Chart 12: CTR claimants by Council Tax Band, March 2018 a

Chart 12: CTR claimants by Council Tax Band, March 2018

a Rounding of percentages account for the above pie chart adding to 99 per cent.

Chart 13: Proportion of CTR claimants by Council Tax Band, March 2018

Chart 13: Proportion of CTR claimants by Council Tax Band, March 2018

Chart 13 shows the proportion of chargeable dwellings in receipt of CTR by Council Tax Band. Band A has the highest proportion of dwellings in receipt of CTR at 39.3 per cent. The proportion decreases as Council Tax Band increases to only 3.3 per cent for Bands E to H.

In March 2018, just under one-fifth (19 per cent) of chargeable dwellings in Scotland were in receipt of CTR. This figure varied between local authorities, reflecting differences in the age structure of the population, council tax levels and household incomes. Glasgow had the highest proportion of CTR claimants (32 per cent) and Shetland the lowest (10 per cent) The map in Figure 4 illustrates the proportion of dwellings in each local authority in receipt of CTR, the relevant data can be found in the supplementary tables.

Figure 4: Proportion of chargeable dwellings in receipt of CTR by local authority, March 2018

Figure 4: Proportion of chargeable dwellings in receipt of CTR by local authority, March 2018


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