Young People in Scotland Survey 2019 - course choice in senior phase: report
A report on the findings from the Young People in Scotland survey that focuses on course choice in the senior phase.
4. Guidance
Young people were asked a range of questions on the guidance they received in school when considering their course/subject choice. This chapter looks at what guidance was received by stage, SIMD and gender.
4.1 What guidance, if any, have you received in selecting your courses/subjects for the Senior Phase? (All)
Young people were asked about what guidance they received from different places (both inside school and their own research). Below are details of the guidance young people have received.
![Figure description below](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/research-analysis/2020/12/course-choice-senior-phase-young-people-scotland-survey-2019/SCT12206906101_g04.gif)
Base: 1,731
Figure description:
Guidance received regarding course choice – Percentage of young people citing they have received any guidance on course choice by stage. Graph shows S1 to S6.
More pupils in S6 report receiving guidance in choosing their courses than those younger than them (87% compared to 25% in S1). This is likely because younger pupils are not yet in a position to choose their courses.
![Figure description below](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/research-analysis/2020/12/course-choice-senior-phase-young-people-scotland-survey-2019/SCT12206906101_g05.gif)
Base: 1,731
Figure description:
Guidance received regarding course choice – Percentage of young people citing they received guidance on course choice from class teachers by stage. Shows guidance from class teachers and pastoral care/guidance teachers.
Young people report that class teachers are the most common source of guidance regarding course/subject choice. The proportion of young people reporting that they have received guidance from class teachers increases from 10% in S1 to 53% in S6. Young people also report that pastoral care/guidance teachers provide guidance on course choice, as they are the next most common source. The proportion of young people reporting that they have received guidance from pastoral care/guidance teachers increases from 9% in S1 to 41% in S6.
The majority of young people from all SIMD areas report having received guidance, however the rate is lowest for young people in SIMD 2 (44%) and highest for young people in SIMD 4 (61%).
![Figure description below](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/research-analysis/2020/12/course-choice-senior-phase-young-people-scotland-survey-2019/SCT12206906101_g06.gif)
Base: 1,731
Figure description:
Guidance received regarding course choice – Percentage of young people citing guidance on course choice from class and guidance teachers by SIMD. Shows guidance from class teachers and pastoral care/guidance teachers.
Members of school staff (class teachers and pastoral care/guidance teachers) play an important role in providing guidance to young people. Young people in the most deprived areas (SIMD 1) report class teachers as the most common source of guidance (29%). For young people in the least deprived areas (SIMD 5), pastoral care/guidance teachers are reported as the most common source of guidance (28%).
Class teachers are the most common source of guidance for both males and females (23% and 28% respectively).
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