
Covert surveillance and property interference: code of practice

A code of practice covering the authorisation of covert human intelligence sources in accordance with the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Scotland) Act 2000.

11. Glossary

A request made to an authorising officer to consider granting (or renewing) an authorisation for directed or intrusive surveillance (under RIP(S)A), or interference with property or wireless telegraphy (under the 1997 Act). An application will be made by a member of a relevant public authority.

An application which has received the approval of an authorising officer. Depending on the circumstances, an authorisation may comprise a written application that has been signed by the authorising officer, or an oral application that has been verbally approved by the authorising officer.

Authorising officer
A person within a public authority who is entitled to grant authorisations under RIP(S)A or 1997 Act Should be taken to include senior authorising officers.

Confidential information
Confidential personal information (such as medical records or spiritual counselling), confidential journalistic material, confidential discussions between Members of the Scottish Parliament (and Members of Parliament) and their constituents, or matters subject to legal privilege. See Chapter 4 for a full explanation.

Public authority
Any public organisation, agency or police force.

Private information
Any information relating to a person in relation to which that person has or may have a reasonable expectation of privacy. This includes information relating to a person's private, family or professional affairs. Private information includes information about any person, not just the subject(s) of an investigation.

Member of a public authority An employee or office holder of a public authority, or a person seconded to that authority.

Senior authorising officer
A person within a public authority who is entitled to grant intrusive surveillance authorisations under RIP(S)A and property interference authorisations under the 1997 Act. See also Authorising officer.


Email: Graeme Waugh

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